Do U Really Want to be an Entrepreneur? by Alon Cohen -
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Do U Really Want to be an Entrepreneur?

TMCNET CEO, Rich Tehrani said about Alon: “Alon Cohen may not be a household name, not even in the telecom Read More
  • Joined Dec 2014
  • Published Books 1
Alon 2005

About Me

– Army Veteran – As a Software/Hardware developer
– The inventor of VoIP – Wikipedia
– First/Second inductee to the VoIP Hall of Fame
– An engineer by birth
– Born to a family of makers
– Always dreamed of creating another Rubix cube
– Un-Official CS Alumni
Do U Really Want to be an Entrepreneur? by Alon Cohen -

What do I Know About Entrepreneurship?

– Employee (1987-1988) – 1Y
– Entrepreneur: – Total of about 30 Years (2016)
 = Co-Founded VocalTec 1986, 1989-1996, 1998 (NSDQ) – 12Y
 = Co-Founded Remote Ability 2000-2004 (Sold) – 4Y
 = Co-Founded ExciteView 2004-2005 (Nothing) – 1Y
 = Co-Founded BitWine 2005-2008 (Sold & got it back, still going) – 3Y
– Employee / Entrepreneur: – 7Y
 = First employee – 2008 – Today
Do U Really Want to be an Entrepreneur? by Alon Cohen -

The Basic Ingredients for a Startup

– A good idea
– Entrepreneurial Personality
– Timing
– Funding, well maybe…
– Good Partners
– Good Support System
 = Parents, Significant Other, Lawyers, Mentors

Entrepreneurial Personality Is:

– Commitment / Willingness to sacrifice free time & money
– Some super power
 = Highly Technical
 = Laziness (See my first resume)
 = Even Bad Memory is good
– Self learner
– Can do attitude
– Willingness to make mistakes
– And a listener
Do U Really Want to be an Entrepreneur? by Alon Cohen -

Even Bill Gates Likes Lazy People

Do U Really Want to be an Entrepreneur? by Alon Cohen -

You Must be a Good Listener

– Most entrepreneurs think they know it all
– Remember, You don’t know it all!
– Start by asking & listening (with a very open mind)
– Preferably ask people with gray hair
– ONLY then decide what is relevant and what not

Be Flexible to Change Direction

Here is what we went through at Vocaltec in a span of 7 years

– Started with sound cards & Ice cream music
– Fell prey to con artists – Bought the company back
– Investors attempted to get control by starving the company
– Fighting investors by assuming huge personal financial risk
– Losing the market to Creative Labs
– Betting on computer audio to become pervasive
– Releasing the first ever VoIP software
– PRE-IPO – spending money you do not have
– Betting on VoIP to replace the PSTN
– Getting a dream customer who slowly kills the company

Be Ready to be Pulled in Different Directions?

Or try to avoid it…

– Investors are not friends!!!
 = Avoid investors as much as you can
 = They have their own agenda – always!!
 = They believe they know what is best for you and your startup
   – Maybe based on flight missions (Most are pilots – in Israel)
   – Or maybe based on good grades (Most are ivy-league graduates – in the US).
– Don’t get me wrong, investors are good people
 = They are good in what THEY DO
 = Which is “maximizing their investors’ value” (Not Your Value!)
 Note: There are few exceptions
Do U Really Want to be an Entrepreneur? by Alon Cohen -

Try to follow some of the Dos and Don’ts

– Keep a file with ideas, keep updating them, keep adding – Ideas expire!
– Identify problems in your surroundings
 = Solving problems present an opportunity
– Solving complex problems can yield higher rewards
– Stick to your convictions
– Focus on your core strengths / super power
– It is simpler to sell an investor a dream than a working product
– Never say the word “simple” to an investor
 = Translates to “no barrier for entry”
– Extend your runway – you will always need it
– Never work for free, value to your time
– Find good partners (it is hard, I know)
– Good (PR) people are priceless
– Always have a business model
– Start with an API in mind (if relevant)
– Listen to your customers
– Luck has a lot to do with success
– Don’t be afraid to be a paranoid – always move fast
– Someone is always chasing you with the same idea
– Try to make your parents proud
– Be nice to your employees
 = One day you might want them to hire you
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