Music by Svitlana Lytvynenko - Illustrated by Литвиненко Світлана -
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Artwork: Литвиненко Світлана

  • Joined Dec 2016
  • Published Books 2
Music by Svitlana Lytvynenko - Illustrated by Литвиненко Світлана -

Предмет: “Англійська мова”

Тема: “Music around us”

Кількість уроків – 4

Навчальні цілі: розвивати активне слухання, мовлення (діалогічне), вміння будувати правильні речення, вміння активно мислити, порівнювати, вміння користуватись сервісами для виведення інформації, вміння використовувати отримані знання.


Рекомендації до користування е-книгою: книга створена для учнів 6-7 класу для самостійного вивчення або для роботи на курсах англійської мови.


План вивчення даної теми:

  1. Цілепокладання

  2. Планування

  3. Дослідження

  4. Звітування

  5. Оцінювання та рефлексія


Padlet, Mindomo, Google forms, Youtube, Thinglink.



Have you ever thought why we can hear music everywhere?

Make the notes about the questions

“This piece of music came on, and something just happened,” Salimpoor recalls. “I just felt this rush of emotion come through me. It was so intense.” She pulled over to the side of the street so she could concentrate on the song and the pleasure it gave her.

Watch and discuss the video




Musical instruments

A musical instrument is an instrument created or adapted to make musical sounds. In principle, any object that produces sound can be a musical instrument—it is through purpose that the object becomes a musical instrument. The history of musical instruments dates to the beginnings of human culture. Early musical instruments may have been used for ritual, such as a trumpet to signal success on the hunt, or a drum in a religious ceremony. Cultures eventually developed composition and performance of melodies for entertainment. Musical instruments evolved in step with changing applications.

Task: Look through the list of the names of musical instruments and translate those you know



A musical instrument makes sounds. Once humans moved from making sounds with their bodies—for example, by clapping—to using objects to create music from sounds, musical instruments were born. Primitive instruments were probably designed to emulate natural sounds, and their purpose was ritual rather than entertainment. The concept of melody and the artistic pursuit of musical composition were unknown to early players of musical instruments. A player sounding a flute to signal the start of a hunt does so without thought of the modern notion of “making music”.

Listen to the instruments

Music by Svitlana Lytvynenko - Illustrated by Литвиненко Світлана -

Regardless of how the sound in an instrument is produced, many musical instruments have a keyboard as the user-interface. Keyboard instruments are any instruments that are played with a musical keyboard. Every key generates one or more sounds; most keyboard instruments have extra means (pedals for a piano, stops and a pedal keyboard for an organ) to manipulate these sounds.

Write the definitions for these words


What is a music genre?

Music comes in many different types and styles ranging from traditional rock music to world pop, easy listening and bluegrass. Many genres have a rich history or geographical significance, a cult following or music roots that go far beyond the 20th century.

Answer the questions

Music by Svitlana Lytvynenko - Illustrated by Литвиненко Світлана -
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