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For breakfast I usally drink a cup of tea or chocolate milk with three or four biscuits, a croissant or some pieces of cake usually have a breakfast in my kitchen.   

MORNING BREAK                                                                                                                                                           I also have a break at school with my friend. I usually have a snacks or a roll.                          


For lunch I eat a plate of pasta and some bread, I drink water. I usually heve lunch at home with my family.


In the afternoon I eat some biscuits or a piece of cake with a cup of tea with my parents; sometimes with my sister.


For dinner I have meat with vegetable or fish or chicken an chips. I sometimes eat pizza or hamburgers or soup. Finally, have different types of dessert.

Risultati immagini per latte al cioccolato                              Risultati immagini per pizza                            Risultati immagini per pasta





Christmas is my favourite time of year. We start our “Christmas activities” by decorading our house and the Christmas tree with tinsel, ball and lights. Then, we write a Christmas card for Santa Claus, in this we writing our presents that we wish to get for Christmas.

On the 12 of December we open a small present under the tree for Saint Lucy.

On the Christmas Eve nights me and my family go to church for the Christmas’ vigil. On the Christmas morning we open the big Christmas presents. Then we go from our grandparents for the Christmas’ lunch. We usually eat “cotechino” with peas; for dessert we have “mascarpone” and fruit salad. Then we play board games with all family.









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