The Mice House by ruhama ben-david - Illustrated by Ohad Sirkis -
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The Mice House


Artwork: Ohad Sirkis

  • Joined Nov 2016
  • Published Books 13

Once upon a time, there was a small family of mice. They lived in a hole in the wall of a small house. The daddy mouse was a big white mouse named Milkey. The mommy mouse was a small white mouse named Cheesy. Their son was a brown mouse named Chocolate.



They had a happy life, until that scary night. That night, while they were sleeping, the house owner Bob, went to buy a cat. The cat he bought was a big big fat cat named Frank. The day after, the mice family went to get their usual breakfast – cheese and milk. but when they got to the kitchen, they had a horrible surprise!


There was a fat cat in the kitchen! the second they came into the kitchen the cat smelled them and started chasing the terrified mice. the mice started running as fast as the could, but the cat was faster.


Then, Milkey told Cheesy: “We’re not fast enough! we must distract the cat so Chocolate can escape!”. They told Chocolate: “Don’t stop running! no matter what happens!”. Then, they stopped running, jumped on the cat, and started biting him. The cat was so surprised, he stopped running, and tried to catch Cheesy and Milkey.


It took him about a minute and he managed to catch Cheesy and Milkey, but Chocolate was safe in the hole. Surprisingly, the cat didn’t eat the mice right away. instead,he trapped them in a cup, so Chocolate would come to him.

What Will Chcolate Do To Save Them?


Chocolate didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know how to save his parents, and with the cat guarding the kitchen, he couldn’t get food. As time went by, he got hungrier and hungrier, until he was so hungry, he decided to sneak out to the street, and search for food.


He sneaked through the living room, and crawled under the small gap between the door and the floor, and he was outside! Then, he started searching for food in the garbage.


Suddenly, a street dog walked past him. When the dog noticed Chocolate was there, he asked him: “What are you doing in the garbage?”. Chocolate told the dog about what had happened with his parents, himself, and Frank. The dog said: “get me inside the house and I will help you with that.


So, The  next morning, when the house owner went to work, Chocolate and the dog entered the house through an open window. The dog went straight into the kitchen, and started barking at the cat. the cat jumped with fear, and ran out through the window. Then, the dog punched the cup, and set Chocolate’s parents free. After they were rescued, the mice family had a feast in the pantry while the dog guarded them. Three hours later, the mice always couldn’t move, and just before they went to sleep in their house, the house owner returned and saw the dog. And he said: “I have always wanted a dog. I will adopt you!” and so happened.


As for today, the mice family and the dog live happily in the house

With No Cats!!!

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