The Secrets of Start Ups – With the children of Ohel Shem, Katzir and Yokneam, at the Nachshon Program, hosted by HIT!! by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג -
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The Secrets of Start Ups – With the children of Ohel Shem, Katzir and Yokneam, at the Nachshon Program, hosted by HIT!!

After fruitful careers as a scientist and inventor I've gone back to what I love most - writing children's books Read More
  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Published Books 1554

Nir thinks that the best reason to make a start-up is that it is a way to get rich at a young age. 


Dana says that 1% at most make any money. I ask her what about the other 99%. She says that they are terribly disappointed. 



Ohel Shem high school

Yuval says that 1% is better than 0%, and if you never try you never succeed. 


Yael talks about passion. She wants to change the world with her ideas. 


Another Yael talks about the importance of creativity. Creativity has the power to change the world. 


Talented high school children attending the Nachshon program

Another Yuval thinks that to start a start up you need a problem to solve. Noy thinks that you need to fill a need. 


Abu Cova (Dorian) thinks you need an awesome idea. 


Ariel thinks that you need motivation. And money. 


I think that you need all of them. But where do they come from?





The Secrets of Start Ups – With the children of Ohel Shem, Katzir and Yokneam, at the Nachshon Program, hosted by HIT!! by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג -

Ziv says that you need time to think. I agree! After all, didn’t Archimedes get his best ideas while sitting in a bath?


Dafna, Yael and everyone thinks that ideas come from the environment.  But do they?


Jay says you HAVE TO LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I agree.



a rose. just keep looking

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If you like it, you might also want to read: 

“H-farm: Creating an Environment for the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs”


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