Soccer Stars by David Pechie - Illustrated by Aadhav Manivannan -
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Soccer Stars


Artwork: Aadhav Manivannan

  • Joined Nov 2016
  • Published Books 37

Soccer Stars

By Aadhav Manivannan

It was very cold when Luke was sleeping he thought the rain had took over the sun but it wasn’t raining it was just very foggy. It was so foggy nobody could see anything. Fog just fell from the sky. Luke felt sad and sick but he was not sick.

Luke was sleeping and it was freezing in his room his brother Alex pushed the door open slamming the door on the wall “GET UP!” “GET UP!” Luke yelled “shut up!” Luke shouted Alex was scared and went out of Luke’s room “it could be much much colder “ he whispered. Luke went to take a shower and brush his teeth. Luke went to school he worked and worked until recess. It was finally recess 


time he went to the soccer field. He tried to pass to his teammate but someone steals the ball from him and everyone laughs at him. Luke was running and someone kicked a ball into Luke’s knee and he broke his knee! He tried to walk and he fell again he didn’t know he broke his knee he yelled “OW!” an aid comes immediately  Luke then finds out that a new kid named Tyler that was good at soccer was at the school and he ran to find him but a problem was he did not know what he looked like and a Tom pushed him down that hurt his knee like CRAZY. He tried to get up but it hurt badly, then the new kid Tyler came and almost stepped on him but he heard him whining then he helped Luke get up. Luke said thanks. He asked him if he was good at soccer he said yes and asked him to help Luke  get better at soccer he said “yes” but he also said ”tomorrow”.


On the bus ride home Luke looks at Tyler’s stop and he gets out of the bus at his stop. He has a mean neighbor named Tom that is in high school but Luke doesn’t care he always carries on when he sees him.

When Luke got home he finished his homework and Luke’s mother took him to soccer practice. Coach said they were going to play against the Rockets at was already ten to one they were ten we were one “we lost I am stupid right now” Luke said


The next day luke found out Tyler was in his class! Luke was so happy he he almost yelled but a second before he was he reminded himself that he was in school. So he went back to doing his math for school

When Luke was at recess he found Tyler. Tyler told him that the problem was Luke had to play in order goalie,defense then offense then Tyler told Luke he could choose once he had mastered all the places of soccer Luke could choose the easiest.


When Luke was at recess he found Tyler. Tyler told him that the problem was Luke had to play in order goalie,defense then offense then Tyler told Luke he could choose once he had mastered all the places of soccer Luke could choose the easiest. they won! Luke chose to play offense. Every day after those days he felt awesome and then everyone liked him.


He went to find Tyler to thank him. Someone asked him what he was doing Luke said he was trying to find Tyler but the kid who asked him what he was doing was Tyler’s friend he said Tyler fainted because someone pushed him when they were playing tag he was so sad he frustratedly said “com’on”


Then the next time he played in his soccer game he went to the offense circle and he stole the ball he dribbled the ball towards the other team’s goal he slid and the score was 9-9 he shot a  goal it bounced back he shot one other it was 11-9 they won! His team carried him to his house and of course they took his soccer ball to his house to!

Soccer Stars by David Pechie - Illustrated by Aadhav Manivannan -

He went to his living room to eat lunch after playing “ Destiny ” he told his mom why he was at his house with his teammates he asked if he could go to his friends house after his mom said “yes” when he went to Tyler’s house he asked Tyler’s mom if he could go to the hospital to see Tyler she said that he was better and he stayed home and he saw him he told him that it was him him he was playing Luke said “thanks” Tyler said “welcome” Tylers mom called them for lunch Luke said he already ate his lunch at his house. When he was was sitting at Tyler’s dining table Luke asked if he knew why Luke said “thanks”  Tyler said no Luke said he said “thanks “ because he taught him soccer. Tyler asked if he wanted to play video games before Luke  leaves Luke said ”okay”.


ball down and kick the ball to the open player, or you can pick it up and roll it to that player. “Got it”? “ Yup” Luke said. Luke tried punting, he punted it so high it bonked his head but it did not… heLuke said he had to leave. They were friends ever since. Luke went upstairs he played “destiny” a little more then he researched soccer he saw the famous players “Ronaldo & Messi” he said he wanted to be like them. He went outside and took his ball and asked his big brother Jonathan to punt the ball and Luke would head it  John said “yes” he punted the ball and Luke missed and tried again he got it but it rolled off his head he tried again it still rolled off and the same thing happened for a long time he had to eat dinner he tried again in the morning on saturday he headed it but not far the next he did it! He headed the ball so far it bounced off a tree and bonked Luke’s head. The next time he went to soccer practice he shot tons of goals and the Rockets goalie punted the ball  so 


far but Luke headed the ball and went so fast and far the ball went in the goal score they won again. He wanted to be good at punting to he asked John to teach him punting John said “no I have to eat lunch with my friends “pleeeeease” he said “fine” John said. John said “The first step is when you’re in goal the ball went in the goal score they won again. He wanted to be good at punting to he asked John to teach him punting John said “no I have to eat lunch with my friends “pleeeeease” he said “fine” John said. John said “The first step is when you’re in goal play

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