Cody’s New Dog by David Pechie - Illustrated by Andrew Flickenschild -
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Cody’s New Dog


Artwork: Andrew Flickenschild

  • Joined Nov 2016
  • Published Books 37

The morning was bright and sunny, Cody was thinking that he had never had a pet before, he wondered what it would be like to have one.


“Mom, can i get a dog”?  Says Cody

“Definitely not”!  Says Cody’s mom

“Why not?”

“Because who will take care of him, I probably will!”  Cody walks to his desk in his room to do his homework.



Cody’s New Dog by David Pechie - Illustrated by Andrew Flickenschild -

When Cody finishes his homework he asks his mom and dad if he can get a fake dog.

“I don’t see why not.”  Says Cody’s father

“Same here.”  Says his mother.

“Wait!”  Says Cody’s little sister.  “Why does he get a fake dog and I don’t?”

“Because” says his mother, “he wants a real dog and he wants to show us if he can take care of one.”

“That’s not fair!”  Says Cody’s sister again as she goes up to her room and slams the door.

The next day Cody goes to lunch.  When he picks a seat the bullies come and sit next to him.  Such known as Billy and Bob.  They start picking on him about having no pet and Billy started saying,

“guess what me and Bob have a HUGE dog and he is so large he is 12 feet tall!”  

“Yeah!”  Says Bob.


Cody’s New Dog by David Pechie - Illustrated by Andrew Flickenschild -


Cody says “Well guess what I don’t care.  Plus i’m getting a 15 foot tall dog!”  

“Yeah that’ll be the day.”  Says Bob and Billy, then they leave.  

“What were they talking to you about?”  Says Logan, Cody’s friend.

“Oh nothing.”  Sighs Cody.

When Cody gets home he goes to his brothers room, he asks his brother for advice for asking his parents getting a dog

“Well, you should write stories to convince them that you should get a dog.” Says Cody’s brother.  “Ok I will try.” Says Cody, He races up to his desk in his room and starts writing.

Cody wakes up and drags his feet down the stairs.  

“Surprise!” Says Cody’s mom, dad, brother, and sister.  “We thought that now would be a good time to give you the toy dog to show us that you can take care of one.”

“Can I play with it now?”

“Sure go ahead!” Says his parents.  

Cody’s New Dog by David Pechie - Illustrated by Andrew Flickenschild -

Then the bullies come by,

“Hey look Bob, it’s Cody with his toy dog.”

“Aww, to bad he doesn’t have a real dog.” Says Bob as he and Billy snicker.  

“Leave me alone.”

“Oooh ok.” says Billy and Bob as they slowly decide to leave him alone.  The bullies walk over and start to break the dog.  “Good luck getting a dog now HA!” Then they walk off.  Cody starts to cry and walks inside the house.


“Why do I have to deal with this.

“Cody we have something to tell you.” Say’s Cody’s Mom

“Why does it matter to me?”


“Fine coming” When Cody walks downstairs he sees his parents sitting at the dinner table.

“Are you getting bullied?” Says Cody’s dad


Cody’s New Dog by David Pechie - Illustrated by Andrew Flickenschild -


“Cody tell the truth!”

“I’M NOT!”

“Cody I am going to count to three and you are going to tell us the truth.”

“I’m not!” Says Cody as he grinds his teeth


“I promise i’m not.”



“Cody this is your last chance or you are going to your room for a week.”

“ALRIGHT I AM!” Screams Cody as he starts to cry.

“Bob and Billy we want to ask you a question says Cody’s mom and dad. Why you are you bullying Cody?” They say in Billy and Bob’s house.

“We don’t know.”


Cody’s New Dog by David Pechie - Illustrated by Andrew Flickenschild -

“Well you guys better stop or there is going to be trouble.” Cody and his parents leave Billy and Bob’s house.  “If they cause you any more trouble you come home and tell us Ok?”

“Ok.” Says Cody…Cody wakes up the next day and realizes its Christmas.  He races half way down the stairs to hear the sound of barking, he slowly walks down the stairs and sees a puppy waiting for him!  “THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!

Cody’s New Dog by David Pechie - Illustrated by Andrew Flickenschild -
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