The Journey to Candyland

by ruhama ben-david

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The Journey to Candyland

  • Joined Nov 2016
  • Published Books 13

Tom loves adventures. He went on adventures every day from day to night and even sometimes in his sleep. One day he woke up in the middle of nowhere completely lost. He decided to go look for help and see if anyone knew where he lived. After looking for ages he still couldn’t find anyone and it started to get dark so he decided to spend the night in a cave he had seen on his way.

The Journey to Candyland by ruhama ben-david -

When Tom arrived, he walked into the warm cave but heard a mysterious noise. The noise seemed to be the sound of someone snoring. The thing was when Tom saw what it was not a person, but a cow. But not just any ordinary cow, this cow had wings! A flying cow!

The Journey to Candyland by ruhama ben-david -

Crunch! Oh no! Tom had stepped on a branch, and the flying cow woke up. “Boo!” yelled the cow. Tom jumped back with fright. “Got you good I did! By the way, the name’s Marty the flying cow, what’s yours and why are you here?” said the flying cow. “My name is Tom and I’m lost, do you know the way to my home?” answered Tom. “Sorry kiddo, I’m afraid I can’t help you with that one. But I can take on the biggest adventure of your life…”


“Really? Where?” asked Tom curiously. “Only to the most awesome, epic and cool place ever! I could take you to Candy Land!” “Awesome!” screamed Tom. He couldn’t wait to get there! “Before we go” said Marty “you need to know that once we get there you will have to help me with something.


You see, there is this evil panda by the name Wombo Combo controlling Candy Land and keeping all the candy to himself!” “That’s horrible” said Tom. After Marty had said a little bit more about how Tom could help, the two new friends set out on their journey.


While Tom slept on Marty’s back, Marty flew through the night (since flying cows only sleep when they feel like it.) The next morning, the two friends continued their journey through valleys, over rivers, through forests and over meadows when finally, they reached what looked like a pink house with a white door. Marty opened the door and lead Tom inside. Inside the house was a swirling portal made completely out of candy floss!


The two friends jumped in and came out in a forest made of candy with giant pancake mushrooms! Even the grass was made of mint candy, the bushes were made from chocolate and the stones were made of Reeses Cups. Marty lead the way to Wombo Combo’s palace with Tom sitting on his back munching on a chocolate-strawberry bush.

The Journey to Candyland by ruhama ben-david -

The two friends had passed rivers made of milky chocolate and dark chocolate mountains covered with cream when they finally neared Wombo’s palace. The palace was made of cookies and chocolate cement with gates of triple layered graham crackers and the towers of chocolate chip cookies.

The Journey to Candyland by ruhama ben-david -

As soon as Wombo realized that Marty and whoever his friend was had come to try and defeat him, so he stomped out of his palace ready to defend it. “Stop right there!” said Marty. “You have caused enough trouble here!” “You fools think you can defeat me?” snorted Wombo. “Well you were wrong! You are messing with the wrong panda!”Quick as a flash, Wombo grabbed a giant marshmallow and slapped Marty so hard he flew through the air.

The Journey to Candyland by ruhama ben-david -

That is when Tom got so angry, he picked up a massive Reeses Cup and bashed it into the panda’s face as hard as he could. Wombo’s face started to blow up like a balloon, a giant red balloon. Soon after Wombo had blown up so much the wind bounced him away never to return.

The Journey to Candyland by ruhama ben-david -

When Marty got a bit better he said “Kiddo it was a great idea hitting him with a Reeses cup, apparently he’s allergic to peanut butter. But that isn’t my point, would you like to stay in Candy Land’s palace together with me?” “Sure, we would be two best friends ruling over the greatest land ever!” At that the two best friends walked into their new home, kings and the best friends ever…

The Journey to Candyland by ruhama ben-david -
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