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Think or imagine a situation in life which requires making an important choice.

Describe the situation and think of two (or more..) separate kinds of experiences you might

encounter as a result of choosing one way or another.


In our life in Israel today there are many dilemmas in everyday life.

Today I want to tell you about a moral dilemma.

There are two sides to every dilemma. The dilemma I chosen to describe is the case of Gilad Shalit

On the one hand, we should ask if one IDF innocent soldier suffering from terrorist

worth the release of thousands of not innocent terrorists. It’s true that he is only one but for his family he is the whole world and they will do everything they can to see him coming home safe and healthy.

On the other hand, there are many bereaved parents who fear from the possibility that the terrorists who murdered their sons would be released from the Israeli prison.

If Israel choose to leave our soldier in captivity, they apparently don’t fulfill the promise to do everything they can to protect on the soldiers she sent to defend our country.

In addition, the decision of leaving the soldier in captivity can make Hamas terrorists kidnap more Israeli soldiers thinking if they will have more than one then the Israeli government must accept their conditions.

On the other hand, if the state of Israel chooses to release so many Hamas terrorists for one Israeli soldier they may keep trying kidnap more soldiers knowing this is the best way to get what they want. Additionally, the terrorists who would be released from the prison can get back to terror and hurt more Israeli soldiers or citizens.

In conclusion in our life there are so many difficult dilemmas and the one I described is only one of them.

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