A Morning with Danny Kerman – at Shenkar College and the Herzliya Museum

by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג
Artwork: Danny Kerman
After fruitful careers as a scientist and inventor I've gone back to what I love most - writing children's books
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I spent an enchanted morning with Danny Kerman last week. We started out having coffee at Shenkar College (where I now work part-time). I interviewed Danny on the secrets of success (that’s another story, though).

We took a selfie with Marcel!

Then off to see Danny’s exhibit in Herzliya. To our chagrin, the main entrance was closed. The museum didn’t appear to be open.

Danny was upset. After all, we had invited Hagai Cohen to come and he was driving up from Rishon LeZion.

In the end Hagai saved the day. He had entered the museum from another entrance. He welcomed us in!

The exhibit was remarkable. There were 150 postcards which Danny had written and illustrated many years ago. Postcards which he had given to his girlfriend way-back-when. The text of the postcards was hidden from view (of course), but the original artwork on the postcards told a story that I hadn’t appreciated before.

Danny’s postcard artwork was brilliant, eclectic, and wide-ranging in styles and subjects. And the most amazing part of it all is that they were personal, never meant for any commercial or public use whatsoever.

Danny has a penchant for drawing kings. Sometimes they look a bit like him. Other times, not.

And what say you about this one?
Danny has illustrated some 500 books during his prolific career.

Not all were great commercial successes.

Here is one of my favorites. With my other friend, Yehuda Atlas (who else?).

Published: Oct 31, 2016
Latest Revision: Nov 1, 2016
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