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Chapter 1:

     My belonging, when you hear those two words; what comes to your mind? When I hear the word ‘belonging’ I think of something that is mine, something that no one can take away from me…. This is a story where I will be showing you the true meaning of belonging:

Sluggishly, Chizara dragged herself into her room. “POOF!” she landed flat on her fluffy, cute pillows. As she remembered the exhausting day she had just had in school.

“Dinner Time!” her mom yelled.

“Coming!” she replied.

She pulled herself out of her bed as as she stomped down the luxurious and broad stairs. Her mum was a black-American, well-mannered and was very tall. Her dad on the other hand, was a big man who looked quite scary. Once you get to know him though, he is actually not that bad. Remember that now.

      Chapter 2:

Usually at the dinner table Chizara’s family will discuss what happened in their day and then rate it- good, bad, or in between.

“My day was AWESOME!” her dad continued “I got promoted from deputy head to right hand man!” He then rated it a ‘good’.

“Today was horrible,” Chizara sighed “Everyone had something of their own, it was either the latest games or at least a hand-me-down.” Chizara was so angry that she rated it a ‘horrible’.

“My day was quite good and bad, I guess I rate it an in between.”

“Please can I get an iPad or another gadget; I don’t want any hand-me –downs I want something brand new.”

“NO!” her parents strictly screamed in synchronisation.

“You have a big, lovely home, good parents and so many different friends, you need to be content with what you have.” said her mum

“Yes mum.” She said like a good kid.

Although her heart was burning to get one she figured ‘Why not be patient’ So, she told her friends what her parents had said that evening.

“Good night Chizara!” both her parents shouted from their rooms. Chizara slept and dreamt about getting her gadget on a bright and beautiful Sunday; it was beautiful till it got stolen by a grey, plump thief… She woke up suddenly, realizing she had just had a terrible nightmare. The next day was a Sunday and everything that happened in her dream had started to come true. She had gotten an iPad mini its cover was a beautiful rose-gold with sparkles spelling out the letter ‘C’. It had not yet got stolen. Quickly, she hurried to school and her beautiful rose-gold iPad was stolen by the school bully (Anderson MacDuff), who always treated smaller kids like they did not matter.

Chapter 3:

Weeping for her lost iPad she stood there crying as she vividly remembered what her parents’ exact words were:

“You have a big, lovely home, good parents and so many different friends, you need to be content with what you have.”

As she remembered she never again forgave herself till now….

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