The life cyclce of a frog is a very simple yet complex cycle. There are 4 major steps in the frog life cycle. The first step is when the frogs are just an egg mass and are waiting to sprout into a tadpole!
The second step of the life cycle is the Tadpole stage! The frog is now able to swim and eat on its own but it does not yet have legs!
The third stage of the life cycle is a Tadpole with legs! Also known as a Froglet! This is when the tadpole now looks like a frog but still has a long tail! The tail will slowly start to get smaller and smaller until it is no longer visable.
The 4th and final stage is when the frog becomes an adult! With no more tail and is nearly full grown. It will continue to grow for a few weeks after until it is fully grown!
Once the frog is an adult, most frogs life in frog colony! With many other adult frogs, they will mate and return to the water to lay their eggs. Thus starting the frog cycle over again!
Published: Sep 14, 2016
Latest Revision: Sep 14, 2016
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