Hydro’s Adventure by Zoey Young - Illustrated by Zoey Young - Ourboox.com
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Hydro’s Adventure


Artwork: Zoey Young

  • Joined Sep 2016
  • Published Books 1

Hi.  I’m Hydro… kind of ironic, seeing as to I’m a water molecule!  I live in the Pacific Ocean with my family.  Here’s the story of my BIG adventure!

Hydro’s Adventure by Zoey Young - Illustrated by Zoey Young - Ourboox.com

I was playing tag with all my friends when a big man on a tube and a giant boat started to move.  The man had a drink in his hand, it looked like coffee.  My friend Nemo had warned me about those boats, so I was franticaly moving way with all my friends.

Hydro’s Adventure by Zoey Young - Illustrated by Zoey Young - Ourboox.com

Our movement was enough to disturb the waters, and the man flew off his tube!  The coffee flew out of his hand and it spilled it’s hot water ALL OVER ME! The heat energy was transferred into my body. I could feel myself disintegrating.  I was slowly moving up, up, up out of my home.  “MOM!  DAD!”  No one answered.  “Help!”


I looked up at the sky.  Was I going to Heaven?  I closed my eyes and let myself float up until I got caught into a giant fluffy thing.  I remembered that these were called clouds.  “What is going to happen to me?”  I started crying. 

Hydro’s Adventure by Zoey Young - Illustrated by Zoey Young - Ourboox.com

I sat up there for 3 days, and I was bored out of my mind.  Until something started moving.  The gravity was pulling me down through percipitation.  “Whats happening!”  I started to fall from the sky, back into the ocean.  “Mom!  Dad!  I’m home!”  I was overjoyed.  “H-Hydro!”  My Mom’s voice rang through.  “I’m home!”  To be honest, I was home.  If only I would’ve known I wouldnt have been there long.


I was home for 11 days.  Only 11 sweet days with my family and friends.  Until another boat came.  But this wasn’t your average boat.  This was a cruise ship.  All I know was I felt a blast of heat and I was floating again.Another heat energy transfer.   “Mom!”  No answer.  Not again… I reached the cloud and cried.  I hate evaporating.  The only thing that can come from it is sadness.  I stayed up in that cloud for 9 days.  9 whole tedious days.  Until there was a disturbance… and I fell down from the sky because of gravity.  I heard that was called rain.  But, this time I didn’t land in the ocean… I landed in a smaller ocean called a lake.


“Hello?”  I called out to the endless amount of water particles here.  A high pitched voice spoke up.  “Hi!  My name is Lydia!”  I found her sitting by a patch of moss.  I strolled over towards her.  “Lydia… where are we?”  She smirked and stood up.  “Lake Ontario.  You new?”  I blushed and nervously laughed.  “Yeah.”

Hydro’s Adventure by Zoey Young - Illustrated by Zoey Young - Ourboox.com

“Hey, I hope you have a great stay.”  She smiled.  “Thanks.”  I rolled away from the moss, being careful not to get stuck.  “Wait!”  The high pitched voice called from behind me.  I whipped around and saw Lydia standing behind me.  “Umm, I never caught your name…”  I grinned as she looked at her feet.  “Hydro.”  “What?”  She looked me in the eye.  “My name is Hydro.”  She outstreched her hand and nodded.  “I think we’re going to be great friends.”


As the days past we got to know each other very well.  She was really daring and loved to run free.  We played and splashed around for days on end… about 5.  She was crazy, but really nice too.  One day something happened.  A boat came, and they were fishing right next to us!  Lydia laughed and said, “Hey, I bet you I can get on that boat.”  I shuttered.  “Lydia-” But before I could finish my sentence she was off.  She leaped out of the water in a splash and I chased after her jumping up.

Hydro’s Adventure by Zoey Young - Illustrated by Zoey Young - Ourboox.com

We were on the boat, sizzling in the sun, until a fish got dropped on us.  “Ugh!”  Lydia struggled under the weight, and the boat started moving.  “Off to the river!”  The man fishing called out.  We were both stuck under the fish, and couldn’t hop back into the lake.  “Lydia… I’m scared.”  I was feeling sad.  I had been moving so much recently.


She smiled, “Don’t be.  It’s going to be an adventure!”  I grinned at her confidence.  “Ok, if you say so.”  She laughed and tried to push the fish off of us.  I helped too, until it finally rolled off.  “We’re free!  Finally.”  She beamed at the sight of her hard work.  “Lydia… uh, where are we?”  “Some kind of river…”  I laughed and jumped into the river.  Lydia shortly followed.


I smiled as we splashed around in the new area.  We got to know another guy named Barry.  We were all hvaing a blast in the river.  “Guys, watch this!”  Lydia called as she dashed towards the river banks, towards a deer.  “Lydia!” Barry and I called out to her, but she was long gone.  We say her getting drinken by the deer.

Hydro’s Adventure by Zoey Young - Illustrated by Zoey Young - Ourboox.com

Barry and I darted after  her, quickly getting siphoned up by the deer’s tongue.  We travelled down a long tube untill we reached a big bowl shaped place.  “Lydia?”  Barry was walking around until we heard the high pitched voice again.  “Barry!?”  “Lydia!”  “Hydro!”  It was a big happy reunion.  We hugged and she laughed.  “I’m never doing that again.”  Barry chuckled and sighed.  “Better not.”


We were not in that stomach for very long.  We got deposited out in a substance called urine.  Lydia srunched up her nose.  “I smell bad.”  “Yeah… I do too.”  Barry sniffed and his face turned green.  I laughed.  We felt a tugging at our feet.  We were being absorbed into the soil!  Lydia sighed and muttered, “We never get peace, do we?”  Barry snickered, “Nope.”

Hydro’s Adventure by Zoey Young - Illustrated by Zoey Young - Ourboox.com

As we were sinking into the soil I asked, “How long do you think we’ll stay here?”  Barry shrugged and said, “Probably like, one day.”  Little did I know, that he was dead on.

We played around for one day, as we were sinking further down in the soil.  Untill we felt crowded.  Gravity pulled us down to ground water!


And there we stayed for the rest of our lives, happier than ever.  That was my big adventure through the water cycle.

Signing out,


Hydro’s Adventure by Zoey Young - Illustrated by Zoey Young - Ourboox.com
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