Shibodi The Cat and The Chocolatier by Dror - Illustrated by Dror S. -
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Shibodi The Cat and The Chocolatier


Artwork: Dror S.

  • Joined Aug 2016
  • Published Books 2

Shibodi was a very curious cat, so often he was leaving the house and taking a walk around the city to observe what’s going on.


One day, on August 1897, while Shibodi was walking along the main street he met his friend Alan, who was working as a sock matcher for the rich families in Nobi.


Shibodi and Alan was walking together when they smelled a great smell of chocolate from around the corner.
Shibodi was obsessed with chocolate and couldn’t hold himself from such a smell.
They went into the shop and started talking with the Chocolatier, while eating a lot of chocolate.

After half an hour Alan said bye and left to shop, since he had to go back to work.


Anna just finished a long day at the school, and was very excited to meet Shibodi as always and play ping pong together.
When she reached Shibodi’s house, she rang at the doorbell, but no answer.
She rang again and again, but no answer.


Anna was very disappointed and upset, because she was very hungry after a long day at school and now she needs to wait until Shibodi will come and open the door.


After a while, she saw from far away that Shibodi is walking slowly but surely towards the house.
When he was closed enough to hear her, she started yelling at him “where have you been?”, ” we should have met an hour ago”, “I’m starving and you made me waiting for you for such a long time”.


Shibodi understood Anna’s feelings, since he always getting upset and jealous when Anna meets the waiter from the local restaurant and coming late to their meeting.

Shibodi told her the whole story and apologized for not being aware of the clock. Shibodi told her million times that he is very sorry and promised that he won’t do it again.


Anna said she is forgiving to him, but asked him to take care of his obsession to chocolate, because it’s not healthy and cause him to unacceptable behavior.
Shibodi promised to do so.


While Anna had her launch, Shibodi washed his face from the choclate, with his favorite tooth brush.
They both rest for a while and played ping pong together as they always do.

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