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Every cat needs a toothbrush, but not every toothbrush wants a cat. This is a story about a cat that’s on the lookout for a toothbrush. The cat tries hard, the cat doesn’t give up easily. Several brushes on the planet who saw the cat, didn’t believe in it, but the cat kept on trying, it had nothing to lose. The cat went through some difficult times in it’s journey, like many other good cats. It almost quit a couple times. There were times where the cat was skeptical about its likelihood of finding the right toothbrush. The cat cried. It’s okay to cry sometimes. The cat needed help but it wasn’t really good at asking for it. Luckily for the cat – there are some compassionate brushes out there. They are the brushes the cat wants next to it once it finds its’ right toothbrush. These brushes are rare. They want the best for the cat, inside out, wholeheartedly. The cat doesn’t give up, it must find the toothbrush. The cat keeps on fighting on and on. It keeps getting hits, it keeps falling, but it keeps on getting back up. This is one hell of a cat we’re talking about. Not every cat can withstand so much resistance in its’ pursue for a toothbrush. This cat is special. Deep down there, although getting hit so many times, this cat knew there was something more to it. There was a bigger purpose. A more important reason. The cat wanted to find the toothbrush because it believed it can do great things. Great things that will change the way people think. Things that will help them. Things that will aspire them. Have them moved. Have them believe in themselves. Give them hope. This is a story about a special cat. This cat is my little brother, and he’s still on the lookout for his toothbrush. So if there’s anyone out there who knows a good looking, easy going, emotionally intelligent toothbrush – please brush them together!

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