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Few years ago in a far galaxy was an cat, is name was Mr. Dimpsy, son to family of cats which all of them are chocolate makers, it’s important to say they live in planet Tatawin, and being chocolate maker is respected and safe job since chocolate is the most important energy resource in Tatwin, chocolate use mostly for flying the R41 which is similar to our days aircraft but can reach 100000 Kmh by 2 sec.

so let’s get back to Mr. Dimpsy, he is 6 YO and about to start first grade at the galaxy chocolate tech school, school that known for teaching every son of a cat chocolate maker.

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It is summer and Dimpsy now in his vacation, in an ordinary Sunday milk party Dimpsy felt confuse and wanted to be alone so he started go to lonely spot near the garden lake and daydreamed, few time past and he felt a bit water drops, he waked up and saw interesting fish (fishes are rare creatures on Tatawin  planet), Dimpsy wanted to talk the fish and ask him Questions, but the fish disappeared.


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Dimpsy was so excited about what he saw, he read a lot and became curios about it and discovered that fishes rare and only few people saw them, Dimpsey become more and more curios.

At dinner Dimpsy ask his father about fishes, father said: “they are legendry creatures, stop dreaming and imagine Dragons and fishes” focus on chocolate making, do you know how much cost 1kg chocolate this days?” Dimpsy answered – “No father…” father was angry Dimpsy went sad to bed, he thought to himself that he didn’t want go and learn about chocolate, he want to explore and search about fishes, Dimpsy fall asleep.

At the morning Dimpsy felt so curious about fishes, he start read about them and learning their behavior, he imagine himself talk to the fish and was excited about the opportunity, so he asked father to come with him to the lake and watch the fish.


All the way father talked about the Galaxy chocolate school, when they arrive there wasn’t any fish, father become angry and went home.  Dimpsy went every morning to the lake and read all the night about fishes, the most he read the most he become cereus.


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It was the first day of Dimpsy at the Galxy chocolade tech school, he learn about chocolate making but dreams about fishes.


It was Dimpsy first month at the Galxy chocolade tech school and he open the first fishes club which contained only on curious.


It was Dimpsy first year at the Galxy chocolate tech school, he had his first lecture today at his garden like in front of 5 of its club students.


It was Dimpsy first year in school he went the lake every day and didn’t saw I sign for the fish but each day he became more and more cereus and excited about the idea someday the fish and him will finally meet.


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