Obi, the cat who only loved chocolate by Aviv Luria -
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Obi, the cat who only loved chocolate

  • Joined Aug 2016
  • Published Books 1

Once upon a time in the land of cats, there was a cat named Obi.

Obi loved chocolate more than anything in the world. More than his Dad, more than his mom and more and than his friends.



One-day Obi went to find his most beloved thing – chocolate, without telling anyone, because he didn’t want anyone to follow him and take a piece of it. He went to forest and walked in the trail.

After a while he met the fox, and asked him “Hey fox, have you seen some chocolate around?” and the fox said “Well…I think I saw some, deeper into the forest, you should go fast before anyone else will find it”. So Obi ran deeper and deeper into the forest, until he could not know where he was.



Obi got scared. Then suddenly, a wolf jumped out of the bush! Obi froze in his place and closed his eyes. The wolf shouted “Hey cat what are you doing here, so deep in the forest?”. Obi opened slowly his eyes, and said “emmm, I’m I’m looking forrr chocolate, have you seen any?”. So the wolf said “Sure you just have to go into this cave”.

So Obi went into the cave.


The cave was dark and cold, and there were bets all over. He went deeper and deeper, until right at the end of the cave he saw it, CHOCOLATE! Obi was so happy! He could eat the all chocolate by himself and no one would take a piece from it! He finished all the chocolate, and wanted to go back.



He started walking, but then he realized he doesn’t know the way back, and it was so cold and dark. What can he do? Who will help him? He didn’t tell anyone he was going because he didn’t want to share the chocolate! Obi was very sad and scared. He tried to find his way out of the cave, but couldn’t see a thing. He walked slowly and then between the cracks in the walls of the cave a snake came out. Obi asked the snake “Do you know what is the way back home?” and the snake said “sssss…Well…I can take you back home”. Obi was scared but didn’t have a choice so he said “Ok take me home”.



He walked along with the snake, out of the cave, but then he realized that the snake takes him deeper into the forest and not home! He tried to run away but the snake got him!



Obi started shaking and crying. But then when he thought there is no way he could come back home to his family and friend, he saw his mother and father! They hit the snake on his head and grabbed little Obi and took him back home.



Obi was happy again, he understood that the materialistic things doesn’t matter, what matters the most is friends and family, because at the end, they are the only one to help you.


The End!

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