A Eleven Year-Old Girl Who Has A Lip Scar by David Reffold - Ourboox.com
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A Eleven Year-Old Girl Who Has A Lip Scar

My name is David. I am a taxi driver from Hailsham. My birthday is 16/4/1964 and I am 54 years Read More
  • Joined Feb 2016
  • Published Books 7

One Monday morning, Michelle is going to school. “Goodbye, have a good day at school.” said her mum waving her hand. She went in a new taxi to school. “Is it September?” she asked. “Yes, it is. Nice to see you.” said her taxi escort.


“What’s your name?” asked Michelle. “My name is Heather.” said her taxi escort. “And, this is my taxi driver. What’s your name?” she said askedly. “My name is Johnny.” said her taxi driver. Michelle has two friends in her taxi named Gina and Aimee. “Hello, Aimee. Hello, Gina. It’s nice to meet you.” she said. “I’m new because I’m in 6th grade. I go to a mainstream school in the USA.”


Johnny is starting to drive the taxi. “And what is the school’s name?” asked Gina. “The school’s name my mum chose me is Jonathan Brown Middle School.” said Michelle. Aimee gave Johnny a biscuit from her shirt pocket. “Thank you.” said Johnny. “You’re welcome, Johnny!” she said.


“When is your birthday?” asked Michelle. “My birthday is on 30th September 2003.” said Aimee. Gina is in 7th grade and Aimee is in 6th grade. “You and me are in the same grade!” said Aimee and Michelle together. “What’s going on with this chatting over there?” asked Heather. “Is Aimee sitting in the back of the car?” asked Michelle. “Yes, she is, with you.” said Heather. “We’re only chatting!” said Gina.


At last, Heather and Johnny said goodbye to the girls and they reached to their school. The girls said goodbye to them. “Which class are you in?” asked a 7th grade girl named Nissha. “We’re in Miss Tourer’s class and the name of the tutor class is class 3h.” said Michelle and Aimee. “I’m the only one in class 3g.” said Gina. Gina is the only one who is in Michelle’s taxi group is in class 3g. “Well, I’m in class 3g, Gina!” said Nissha.


At Aimee and Michelle’s tutor group, they have 10 friends named Ivy, Hailey, Zoe, Carrie, Frankie, Oscar, Angie, David, Kerry and Thomas. “What’s your first name?” asked Oscar. “My name is Caitlin May and my surname is Tourer, so I’m Miss Tourer.” said Miss Tourer, their class teacher. “Do you have a middle name?” asked Kerry. “I have one, but my full name is Caitlin May Tourer.” she said.


After Michelle and her friends done their two lessons, they went to break. “Do they have a tuck shop at the school?” asked a 9th grade boy named Justin. “No, they don’t.” said a teaching assistant named Mrs Burks. One of Michelle’s classmates lost their jumper. “Where’s your jumper?” asked Kerry. “My jumper’s lost! And I can’t find it anywhere!” said Angie, and she began to cry.


“What’s the matter?” asked Aimee. “I’ve lost my jumper, and I can’t find it anywhere.” said Angie with a shout. “Let’s go and find it, Angie. Don’t cry.” said Kerry. Kerry and Angie went back inside to the school to find her jumper. “Don’t worry, let’s ask Miss Tourer, alright?” she said.


After break, Michelle and her friends went to the ICT room and went on the computer. “It’s my favourite computer!” said David with a shout. Angie was sitting next to David and Kerry was sitting next to Angie. “Can’t you find your jumper anywhere?” he asked. “No, me and Kerry looked and looked.” she sobbed. “And this will not get lost forever.”


Their ICT teacher, Mrs Yates is in the lesson. “We’ve done maths and geography before we went to break.” said Thomas. “Yes, we have.” said Hailey. “What’s wrong?” asked Mrs Yates. “My jumper is lost and I can’t find it anywhere.” said Angie with a sob. “Don’t cry, but your teacher or some staff will look for it.” she said.


While Michelle and her friends are on the computers, she slipped over and a scar appeared on her lip. “That’s a silly thing to do!” said Ivy crossly. “Don’t cry, Michelle. The scar will definitely stay forever for a long, long time.” said Mrs Yates. “I’m not cross, but you musn’t slip off your chair, ok?”


“Ivy made me cross and said what a silly thing to do.” said Michelle with a sob. “I’m sorry, Michelle.” said Ivy. “That’s alright, but I don’t like it when you get cross at me.” she said. “There’s your jumper, Angie!” shouted a teacher named Mrs Oakley. “Thank you, Mrs Oakley. I’m now a happy girl!” said Angie. “Have you found your jumper?” asked David. “Yes, but Mrs Oakley found it for me.” she said.


“And where was it?” asked Kerry. “I don’t know.” said Angie. Kerry walked into the corridor and asked Mrs Oakley where her jumper was. Carrie started to laugh. “I love to swear, swear, swear and look at the F word on the computer!” she shouted.


“I said no swearing at the school, Carrie!” said Mrs Yates crossly. “Alright, then.” said Carrie. Angie put her jumper back on. “I’m also hungry!” said Hailey. “Not, now, because it will be lunchtime soon.” said Mrs Yates.


After they had their ICT time on the computer and the fourth lesson, English, it’s lunchtime. Kerry, Angie, Michelle and Carrie sat with themselves. “Anyone in 3h can go up first for their dinner.” said Mrs Oakley. Aimee was first in the line. “Don’t go first! I wanted to be first in the line!” said Angie. “It’s Aimee’s turn, Angie. You have to wait for your dinner.” said Kerry.


“A jacket potato with beans, cheese and peas are really yummy!” said Kerry. “Wow, I have pasta with vegetarian bolognese because I’m now a vegetarian!” said Thomas. “Well, I wanted vegetarian bolognese with pasta!” said Oscar. “Well, you chose chicken fillets, skinny chips, gravy and peas for lunch!” said Michelle. “Well, I’m a meat and I love to eat chicken.” he said.


Now, it is time for the fifth lesson, Science. “Are we doing an experiment in the lesson?” asked Kerry. “Yes, we are, because we have to wear goggles.” said the science teacher, Miss Worthington-Farrel. Kerry cheered with an excitement. “I don’t like experiments and I don’t like wearing goggles!” shouted Ivy crossly. “You have to, Ivy.” said Miss Worthington-Farrel.


After they had their 3 lessons, it is time to go home. “I have a scar on my lip because I slipped off my chair in the ICT room.” said Michelle. All of her friends and her went to their taxi rooms. “My taxi room is the Maths room.” said Aimee. “That’s right!” she said. Gina came in to the taxi room. “Hello.” she said. “Did you have a good day in class 3g?” she asked “Yes, I did, but my friend Harmony got hit by a golf ball in PE, so it hit her mouth and her tooth was very wobbly, so she was crying.” she said. “And, my friend Angie had lost her jumper and Mrs Oakley found it in another class.” said Michelle.


“What’s on your lip?” asked Gina. “It’s a lip scar, so I slipped off my chair and hurt it.” said Michelle. “What a silly thing to do, Michelle.” she said. At last, their taxi escort, Heather is here to get Aimee, Gina and Michelle. “Let’s get you all home, girls!” she said.


“Hello, how was your day at school?” asked Johnny, their taxi driver. “It was good.” said the girls. He started to drive. Aimee sits on the left hand side, Gina sits in the front and Michelle sits in the middle of the taxi driver. Heather sits on the right hand side behind Johnny’s seat in the car. Soon, she was fast asleep.


Michelle was home after Gina. “Did you have a good day at school?” asked her mum. “Yes, I did, and it was awesome!” she said. She went upstairs to her bedroom. And soon, she was fast asleep in her bed.

A Eleven Year-Old Girl Who Has A Lip Scar by David Reffold - Ourboox.com
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