I am the Light by Stephen Pohlmann - Illustrated by Stephen Pohlmann - Ourboox.com
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I am the Light


Artwork: Stephen Pohlmann

Englishman / Covid-retired int'l dental salesman / Antique English glass collector / Tennis player / Granddad / Traveler (in pre- Read More
  • Joined Jul 2015
  • Published Books 66
I am the Light by Stephen Pohlmann - Illustrated by Stephen Pohlmann - Ourboox.com
I am the Light by Stephen Pohlmann - Illustrated by Stephen Pohlmann - Ourboox.com


I am the Light

To the man by my side

So he is free to see the canvas

To fly to lands far-off

And be with friends nearby

I am the Light by Stephen Pohlmann - Illustrated by Stephen Pohlmann - Ourboox.com

To our girls so alike

I am the Light

Singled by fate

Descended by boys

Surrounded by music

So little time to rest

I am the Light by Stephen Pohlmann - Illustrated by Stephen Pohlmann - Ourboox.com

To our boy a man

I am the Light

His love of nature

Is surpassed only

By his love of technology

And a growing warmth for opera


I am the Light by Stephen Pohlmann - Illustrated by Stephen Pohlmann - Ourboox.com

To our grandsons

One two and three

I hope I am the Light

Their mothers shine forth

I can only watch

For they have a mother too

I am the Light by Stephen Pohlmann - Illustrated by Stephen Pohlmann - Ourboox.com

To my pupils

Confusion in their minds

I try to be the Light

With which to reach places

They otherwise may not find

I am the Light by Stephen Pohlmann - Illustrated by Stephen Pohlmann - Ourboox.com

And so to me

Too often I forget

That I also have a path to follow

So at night, when all is quiet

I steal a look in the glass

And see that also for me

I am the Light

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