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It was a typical Sunday, you know what I mean when I say typical, it was one of those days you can’t get out of bed, out of energy, out of any will to do anything productive. Who has the power to start a new week?? Not me unfortunately. But I had to overcome. On that day I had a chance to get one of these dream jobs for every industrial blah blah engineer, a job that every 4 year old can do but in a very well-known famous resume-exploder company. This kind of job.

So I had to wake up, and I had to try to start the day in the best way I could. I started with a good meal, which is a key to fill your day with energy and mind clarity, I even did some meditation. I believe in these things that aims to calm our mind, and change our thoughts to positive thinking. After all, negative thinking and unfocused mind can’t produce something good, right?

So I did my preparations, I got dressed up really nicely (I even wore a button up shirt! That really flatters me), I rehearsed a few winning lines and adopted some supposedly good approaches for interviews and how to act in variety of situations that can happen there.  Just things that I learned in an unusual course in college, with a crazy lecturer but assumingly brilliant one.


I was ready to go out, ‘Bye Mom (I know I should leave, don’t rush me!), Bye dog (‘Chika’) wish me good luck!! ‘Leave me alone’ she answered. kidding, there wasn’t any response… A loud scream sliced the air… kiddingX2, she was probably in the bathroom I don’t know, Chika was snoring. I left the house.

I drove a few miles, or kilometers if you insist, not too much cause I live in the center, close to everything, I heard some radio and tried to sing a little bit, tried to at least, in order to slow down my rising heartbeat, and shrinking my increasing sweat discs. Or was it because of the fact that I don’t have AC in my car? Never mind, I made my way to a parking lot, and parked my car close enough.

I entered the building that was a very impressive one, made my way to the 4th floor, into a nice lobby. I was all alone, I think, I didn’t see any other applicants, I felt special. I sat down, trying to count my breaths in order to relax, until a nice lady showed up, ‘Hi, Shlomi, right?’, ‘ Yes it’s me, me and not anyone else haha’ I answered and embarrassed myself, shit, what a way to start. ‘Please she smiled, that way’. I walked after her, holding myself and trying not to examine some irrelevant stuff that’s been going there, until I entered a nice office. ‘Hello, please seat down’ He said, with a deep full of confidence voice, ‘I’m Moshe, I’m the chief over here’, ‘Hi, nice to meet you’ I said, while shaking his hand with a firm grip, I sat down. ‘Tell me about yourself a little bit’ he asked, so I started with the regular stuff, some background and hobbies. I tried to find some common things and interests. Hard. I didn’t find nothing. Far from it. Moshe wasn’t nice, I didn’t even get a half a smile from him. I stressed up. He interrupts me, ‘OK, now tell me about things you learned, about your experience in college’. F***, I hate college, I froze. Nothing that I practiced and meant to say didn’t come up in my mind. Blank.

The interview was over, after it felt like eternity. I felt horrible. I came out of the office. Trying to collect myself, I sat down in the lobby, trying to think, trying to process what happened and why I reacted that way. What the hell. After a few minutes, I calmed down. It was like a huge stone came down from my heart. IT WAS MY FIRST INTERVIEW, what do I expect, I need to try over and over and I’ll get better at this (how convenient!), I will be more professional and more confident. I managed to smile. Like thisJ. And exactly at the right time the lady from before showed up again, ‘How was it?’ She grinned. ‘Not so good, but…’ I gave her my ‘mamzeri smile’. You know those moments after you fail, that you don’t give a tiny rat’s ass? That was the moment. I felt as sleek as Zion Baruch or whatever. Needless to say, I got her number, and she even jumped over that evening. Let’s say, I did examine the stuff, and it was damn relevant, and it worth everything. And she even didn’t stayed for the night. Lovely.

I woke up. Monday, was f*****g wonderful.



I do care. Everyone cares. The point is Getting up and not giving up. Never. Not looking back. Knowing when to move on, learning, and making the most out of every opportunity.

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