the best job interview i ever had by asher weinstock -
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the best job interview i ever had

  • Joined Jun 2016
  • Published Books 2

I realized that i am getting close to finishing my studying in manegment and industrial engineering and that it is time to find a job.

my father organized me a job interview at a cyber company called cyberbit for an opening position as a pmo.



As the interview was getting close, i did not want to let my father down or myself, i did a lot of resarch and preperation for the interview to be as ready as i can. i studied all the prospects of the job and the company so i could answer any question they could ask me.

the best job interview i ever had by asher weinstock -

finally the day arrived.

i got up extra early, had a big breakfast and and left two hours before just to be in time.


i arrived to ra’anana where cyberbit was based, went into the building and went up to the 20th’ floor where the interview took place.


As i was waiting in the siting area going through all the differant types of questions they could ask, they called me in.


I walk in and sit down in front of my future boss.

He opens up my cv and the first thing he see’s is that i was born in australia and lived there till i was seven years old before coming to Israel.


Luckily for me my future boss, who’s name was vick, lived in australia for two years and fell in love with the country and the australian mentality.


from that point on and till the end of the interview all we talked about was australia and the life people live there and how good it is and what a beautiful country.


All my nervousness turned into a very relaxed and calm scene. of course a passed the interview and im am still working for vick till this day.


the end…!

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