Enon’s Story – Taking Pulse by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג - Ourboox.com
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Enon’s Story – Taking Pulse

After fruitful careers as a scientist and inventor I've gone back to what I love most - writing children's books Read More
  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Published Books 1554

Enon Landenberg is quite a dreamer and a doer. Sometimes they come together. 


His newest idea is something he calls “Pulse”. 


Have you ever been in the middle of a tennis game with friends (or so-called friends) and forgotten the score?  You are sure you are leading 30:15 and they are sure they are leading 15:30? We’ve all had such experiences playing tennis, badminton, squash, ping pong and other “rackets”. 


What do you do? You argue. You yell. You end up getting divorced, hating each other for ever. And questioning human integrity. 

Tennis score board. Playing without argueing

And what about the time you are five games down, and come back and beat your brother-in-law 7-5 in a set he was sure he would win? How can you share your vicious, sadistic pleasure, with the world?


How can you track your own progress in the sport. Compare your achievements with your friends, your town, the world? Achieve a global amateur ranking!


Let’s say your ping pong partner is abroad, on a glacier somewhere near the North Pole. You are dying to play. How will you find a partner at your level, in your neighborhood?



And why should we amateurs be denied the pleasure of hearing the announcer say “And the match goes to Mr. George W. Bush, 6:2, 4:6, 7:6. Congratulations, George on a great game”. Shouldn’t we all be able to hear official congratulations? From anyone? Even Barak Obama? Even presidents like to win tennis games and get adulation. 


Enon has the answer. He always has the answer. 


The answer is “PULSE”. 


PULSE is the up-and-coming answer to all these challenges. Your ultimate companion to any amateur racquet or paddle game on earth. 


PULSE is a small, sleek magic button that goes on the racquet or wrist. It connects via bluetooth to any IOS, smartphone or tablet, allows you to do all these things and even more. 


You just click PULSE every time you score a point, and the magic happens. Automatically. 







You just click PULSE every time you score a point

After opening the kit, all you do is sync PULSE with your smartphone or iPad and enjoy the joy that comes with tracking your progress with the racquet sport you love. 


Every time you score a point, just by clicking on the button, you will enter the realm of the professional experience. Official score, score card, scoreboard, announcer, ranking. You can even build a fan base to cheer you on as you progress on your road to stardom.  After all, PULSE believes that amateurs can be stars in their own right. 




The fun has just begun. PULSE is gamified, allowing you to collect badges and citations for outstanding achievements, for example playing a game in different locations, playing at 5:00 in the morning, or beating your opponent three times in a row. 

Enon’s Story – Taking Pulse by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג - Ourboox.com


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