Murphy’s Law- by Noa Kurzman& Keren Asis ז1

by Shiri English Class

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Murphy’s Law- by Noa Kurzman& Keren Asis ז1

  • Joined Jun 2016
  • Published Books 27

Once upon a time there was a beautiful woman called Kim. Kim was the prettiest girl in the country but she wasn’t perfect, she was cursed. Three generations before Kim was born, her father’s grandfather Bob went on a date with a beautiful nice lady named Adi and invited her to the big ball with a diamonds necklace. After the ball they had been friends for a long time but one day Bob decided that he had enough and he broke up with her without a preparation. Adi that was hurt from the breakup and was a witch, without Bob knowledge, cursed Bob and his entire family to have bad luck. Since the inciaent all the family curse generation after generation and trying to cancel the curse with no success so they gave up and decided to hide the findings that collected over the years, and to keep them a secret. They accepted the fact that the curse can’t be canceled.


Kim is the pretiest girl in England.

She has beautiful long blond hair, and blue eyes like the ocean.

She is a great person. She is kind, bold, brave, smart and motivated.

Although the curse, Kim is a happy person that never dropped the smile from her face.


Kim’s journey to cancelation the curse began when she met a guy her age named Max Zuri. He was handsome and tall, and he had black hair and green eyes.

Already in their first meeting Max notice the bad things that happend to Kim, but he didn’t let it affect him like the kids in Kim’s school, on the contrary, it’s amused him and he cotinued to talk to her until the last word.

It was a magical moment when Kim realized that she loved him.

On the next day, Kim woke up and got out of bed and when she startes to go downstairs she heard her parents Liron and Ronit talking about the curse in the kitchen so she decided to listen to them.

Then Ronit asked Liron ” Why all the generations failed to undo the curse and gave up?”. He replied that a descendant of Adi holds her diamond necklace in one hand and holds a descendant of Bob (one of us) in the other hand. Just so the fight and the curse will end. “The only problem”, he continued, “is that nobody knows where is the necklace, and nobody knows who are the descendant of Adi.


On the other hand there is a book around the house that has all the answers but nobody knows where it is”.

It was the moment that Kim realized she must find the book and remove the curse once and for all.

After hours of searching Kim found a coin glued to the top and a sentence that sayid Adi’s diamond necklace is in

a place where there were coins like that one, in the bottom of the page.

Kim immediately remembered that yesterday before she talked to Max, she saw him throwing a coin just like the coin in her book into the well, and she realized that the necklace was sure in there.

She ran to the well and saw the necklace in the bottom under some other coins.

She lowered the bucket into the well and when she made sure that no one is watching her she pulled the nakelace from the pile of coins and took it to her house.

With the necklace in her hand Kim continued to browse through the book, and three minutes later she saw a picture of Bob and Adi glued to the top and a sentence which has the full names of the two.



And then it hit her without a preparation – Adi and Max have the same last name, Max is a descendant of Adi.

Kim was shocked but she was also happy because she knew that Max can cancel the curse.

Without thinking twice she started to go downstairs with the book and the nacklace in her hand but she didn’t

notice that her parents were in the kitchen.

Liron saw the book and realized that Kim is on her way to cancal the curse, and then he stopped her and told her – “I know that you think you know how to cancel the curse, but before you do it you should know that the descendant of Adi who wants to cancel the curse but will take it for himself and die”.



The joy that collected in the past twenty four hours has been replaced by a deep sadness and the thought that

altough the whole effort the curse still can’t be broken.

On the next day Kim went down to the street to empty her head, and three minuts later she saw him – she saw Max.

Many thoughts turned in her head – will she pass the curse to her beloved? or be an hero and get rid of the curse

that miserable her family years after years?

And then she decided she will tell him the whole story and see what he thinks.

She told him that the curse brings with it bad luck and a lot of funny and embarrassing incidents, and when they kept talking about it she began to realize that nobody is perfect – everyone has at least one flaw that he just wants to get rid of but actually nobody needs to be ashamed, on the contrary, you just need to look on the people that love you no matter what and keep them close to you.


Eventually, Kim realized that the curse isn’t so terrible, and that this is the special thing about her,

and she won’t sale it for anything.




T H E    E N D

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