odd even by Jason Gorecki - Illustrated by jason - Ourboox.com
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odd even


Artwork: jason

  • Joined May 2016
  • Published Books 2

Once there was a odd number living in num town.He did not like him self because he was a odd number.So if you would cut him in half he would have one piece left.He did not get it.

odd even by Jason Gorecki - Illustrated by jason - Ourboox.com

So he went to talk to his friend the even number “how can I be a even number” he asked.The even number said If your parents are odd and even you will be odd.

odd even by Jason Gorecki - Illustrated by jason - Ourboox.com

If your parents are even and even you will be even.And if your parents are odd and odd you will be even too.So the he was starting to get it.

odd even by Jason Gorecki - Illustrated by jason - Ourboox.com

So he went home to look at his  parents his dad was even and his mom was odd.

odd even by Jason Gorecki - Illustrated by jason - Ourboox.com

He went to the even numbers house his mom was odd and his dad was odd too.

odd even by Jason Gorecki - Illustrated by jason - Ourboox.com

So then after a few weeks he got it down.

odd even by Jason Gorecki - Illustrated by jason - Ourboox.com
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