The Needy Decagon

by Nivea Jordan

Artwork: Nivea Jordan

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The Needy Decagon


Artwork: Nivea Jordan

  • Joined May 2016
  • Published Books 2
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The Needy Decagon

Once upon a time not long ago there was a needy decagon.He hated his shape because he was the only decagon in his town.Since he was the only decagon he did not fit in around most places and he always got made fun of all the time.  


The Needy Decagon by Nivea Jordan - Illustrated by Nivea Jordan -
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So one day decagon decided to get surgery to his geometry.He was now a pentagon.He did the things a pentagon does daily but eventually he got bored.

The Needy Decagon by Nivea Jordan - Illustrated by Nivea Jordan -

So very other day he got surgery to his geometry.And like usual he eventually got bored of being and  doing what he had to do. 

The Needy Decagon by Nivea Jordan - Illustrated by Nivea Jordan -

Since he was now tired of all of the shapes…He thought for a moment.He Mumbled “Why did I even want to change my shape any way.”And suddenly he changed his mind and wanted to be a decagon again.  

The Needy Decagon by Nivea Jordan - Illustrated by Nivea Jordan -

He went back to the  doctor and told him to change his shape.The doctor mysteriously asked.” i want to change my shape again because you need to accept yourself to who you are.”  


So when he turned back into a decagon he got his friends back and now he promised to never to forget you have to accept yourself for who you are. 

The Needy Decagon by Nivea Jordan - Illustrated by Nivea Jordan -
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