let’s learn together final book
- Joined May 2016
- Published Books 17
Copyright © 2016

Let’s learn together is an international eTwinning school project. It has 7 partners from Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain and Turkey. The communication and cooperation between the partner schools and teachers has been established very well from the very beginning.
For having a successful project management , we cooperated with each other and we shared the project tasks. EVA GARCIA and ZELİHA ŞAHIN were responsible for organizing twinspace, ESEN SANDIRAZ and ELENİ PAPADOPOULOU were responsible for web site, MARİA GRAZİA and BİLGE ERSOY were responsible for organizing Facebook group sharings and lastly Project online seminers, workshops, meetings, ICT tools were organized by MARİA PIRECKA and ESEN SANDIRAZ .

Each partner teacher were responsible for creating a Penpal Club in her school.
We decided to make peers for sending introduction letters to each other :
Eleni Papadopoulou to Bilge Ersoy
Maria Grazia To Eva Garcia
Maria Pirecka Zeliha Şahin and Esen Sandıraz
• Each student wrote a short letter of introduction. Teachers sent the letters to partner school and gave one letter to each student. Students read each other’s letters and replied to introduce themselves.
We started using technology. Web 2 tools of the first activity were : PADLET, WEEBLY and POSTERMYWALL. Partner teachers prepared a padlet named ‘’ Who am I ?
Partner teachers prepared a web site using Weebly.
Partner teachers prepared a poster using Postermywall.

Partners were responsible for different activities related to ‘’Let’s learn Mediterranean Countrıes ‘’ activity. At the end of the activity, we gathered all the info together.
climate in winter, seasons in each partner country Turkey Zeliha
legends one from mediterranean countries Poland
food one traditional recipe from each partner country : Italy
drinks one traditional recipe from each partner country Greece
music one traditional song related to topic from each country Spain
countries: list of 21 countries (with capital city) of Mediterranean sea. Turkey Esen
art one well known painting /painter from each partner country. Turkey Bilge

We joıned European Codeweek in September 2016 and each of the partner teachers got her Hour of code certificate. We also taught our students about coding and formed international coding teams

We had online project meeting and had the chance to meet each other face to face.

We had an online New Year Party on 28th December 2015 at 10:00 CET with our partners via Skype .
-Each school prepared a presentatıon about their school.( One student )
-Each school prepared a poster related to the activity.
-At the end of the party all the students song the same song: Jingle Bells
The Schedule was as follows:
Maria Piracka coordinated the meeting
1–Poland : Maria Pirecka : 5 minutes ( presentatıon + a song)
2-Greece : Eleni Papadoloupou : 5 minutes ( presentatıon + a song)
3-Italy: Maria Grazia : 5 minutes ( presentatıon + a song)
4-Spain: Eva Garcia : 5 minutes ( presentatıon + a song)
5-Turkey: Esen /Zeliha/ Bilge : 10 minutes ( presentatıon + a song)
It was really great to have an online new year party.

In this activity, teachers created student teams. Students from each school chose 5 idols from his/her own country and presented him/her . It could be
a singer,
a writer,
A sportsman, /sportswoman
a musician,
an actrist / an actor
They created posters, broshures, comics etc using basic ICT tools. Students shared their work in twinspace forum ,too. They commented on each others idols.

Published: Jun 2, 2016
Latest Revision: Jun 2, 2016
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-159839
Copyright © 2016