My Fantastic Experience in CIS

by Ezara Oshogwe
Artwork: Ezara Oshogwe
- Joined May 2016
- Published Books 4
Copyright © 2016
Table Of Contents:
Introduction…………………….Page 3
Making Friends………………………..Page 5
Year 3……………………………………….Page 7
Year 4……………………………………………Page 9
Year 5……………………………………………….Page 11
The Beginning of Year 6……………………………..Page 13
What I have learnt academically……………………….Page 15
Annotation of Artwork……………………………………….Page 17
Annotation of Artwork…………………………………………..Page 19
What my friends think about me…………………………………Page 21
Shaka Zulu Assembly…………………………………………………Page 23
Choir Challenge…………………………………………………………..Page 25
Sports Day………………………………………………………………….Page 27
Year 6C Music Performance………………………………………………….Page 29
My Farewell………………………………………………………………………….Page 31

I remember the first day I came to C.I.S: Tobe’s mum was standing in front of Year 2 Akinyemi’s door welcoming me with a warm smile. I had just relocated to Nigeria from London so I wasn’t familiar with the environment. Then I entered the lovely-smelling class hoping that I would make friends and excel in my subjects throughout my time in this school.
My teachers, Mrs. Akinyemi and Mrs. Orji, helped me settle in and introduced me to the C.I.S. family. For a few days, I wanted to be in my Catholic school back in London; around my old friends and neighbours; but I had to make this work somehow.

The first classmate to talk to me was a girl called Ivanna. I was completing a jigsaw-puzzle when Ivanna came up to me and asked if she could play too; I agreed, since then, Ivanna and I have been best friends. I made a lot of friends through that year but also had my main crew: Ivanna, Sosa, Fikayomi, Keitu and I. We did everything together until Year 3: when we got split into different classes.

Speaking of Year 3, I made new friends that year and settled in perfectly. My wonderful teacher, Mrs. Ajimuda, helped me improve on my Science skills a whole lot. The one thing I can remember the most is the way everyone kept asking me questions when I got braces and expansions.

I was so happy to be in Year 4, furthermore, I was even happier when I found out that I was in the cream of the crop class: 4C with Mr. Manning and Mrs. Okenini. Mr. Manning was an exceedingly funny teacher! He made learning unbelievably fun and was left-handed like me. The major highlight of Year 4 was when I achieved the “Most Improved” award on Prize-giving Day. I wasn’t there to collect the award because I was in London at the time but when I was told I had won it during the summer, I could imagine myself walking up the stage, shaking Mr. Mark’s hand, and smiling at my parents with my reward in my hands. I really found my class amusing.

The following year, I stepped into the door of Year 5C thinking that this year was a time to relax but then I remembered that the teachers would decide on the Leadership Team so I planned to do my very best. In the middle of year 5, I got a bit side tracked but I had my mum to help me get back on the right track. Although I didn’t get an award on Prize-giving Day at the end of that year, I was overjoyed to be in the Leadership Team!

During the summer (of 2015), my mum continuously reminded me about how Year 6 was going to be tough and because it was my last year in Primary School and C.I.S, I had better make the most of it!
I was very nervous to be in Year 6 as I knew that if I am not serious, my end of year report (that I was taking to secondary school) was going to be horrible! I was very delighted to be in Mrs. Dosunmu’s class due to the fact that I knew she was a very good teacher, plus, she would help bring out the best in me. I was glad to be in a class with all my friends as well.

I have learnt advanced levels of:
o Numeracy – data analysis, ratios and proportions etc.
o Literacy – comprehending, vocabulary skills etc.
o Topic – British history, time zones
o Science – investigation process etc.
o Art – hatching, self-portraits etc.
o African Studies – Yoruba tribe, South Africa etc.
o French – the verb “aller” etc.
o I.C.T – programming etc.
o Swimming/P.E. – techniques
These are examples of my works:

Here, I had just finished sketching Annie’s face for the book cover of the Annie Production programme. Doesn’t it look cool?

I have tons of friends at C.I.S. that are extremely helpful and kind. These are what some of them think about me:
Omala: Ezara, I love you so much (as a friend)!! I will always remember how you made me laugh for ten minutes non-stop. Since Year 4, you’ve been really nice to me! I’m really happy that you’re going with me to BIS and I hope that we’re in the same class. You are really funny, smart and pretty. Thanks for being such a good friend! XOXO Your girl, Omala!
Fatima: Ezara, you are a very kind, funny and helpful person. I’m going to miss you, and have a wonderful time in B.I.S. Good luck and have a great time with your friends in B.I.S.
Jemima: Ezara-one of my best friends! I’m going to miss you very much when you go to your new school. You always stuck up for me. You always made me laugh and gave me good advice (sometimes). You had this beautiful smile that made me smile, You are an awesome Grace’s Assistant. I’m going to miss you bestie….later alligator!
Sosa: Ezara, you have been such an amazing friend and I have to say that I am going to miss you when you have gone to school. We had a lot of fun play dates at your house and my house and we made loads of fun memories. Even though, we had our ups and downs, we always knew how to hug it out and be friends again. I am really gonna miss having someone there to call me Sosi Posi because the truth is that I like it better when your family calls me that! Anyway, I’m really gonna miss having someone that makes the weirdest faces at the weirdest times so I hope we stay in touch (duh) and we can grow up as friends. I am really gonna miss you bub! Stay cool. 🙂
Aisha: Ezara , you are one of my besties!!!!!.You make me laugh all the time. I hope to see you in BIS and I hope we are in the same class. Your pretty, smart and really kind. You have been really kind to me Since year 4 and I appreciate it. Thanks for being such a great friend. Yours truly, Aisha.
Dami: Ezara, You have been a good friend and you are very funny. Good luck in secondary.
Uche: Ezara, thanks for being my friend. You are beautiful, smart and I hope you’ll have fun at secondary.
Gbemiga: You are a great friend to have. Have fun in your new school.
Kevwe: Ezara, I think you’re amazing, talented and a very beautiful girl.

Over the years, I have been taught by fascinating teachers – Mrs. Dosunmu, Mrs. Akinyemi, Mr. Manning, and Mrs. Ajimuda. In addition, I have made some phenomenal friends like Omala, Jemima, Kevwe, Sosa, Aisha, Louisa, Fatima, India, Mariah and Tosan.

In my class, we link all our learning. For example, whilst learning about biomes and habitats, our groups made 3D biomes using boxes – linking it to Art/D&T. I found the task very interesting for I love making things and this also links to how we can reuse, reduce and recycle to sustain Earth because we reused our old shoeboxes and created different habitats!

We had an African Studies assembly which everyone enjoyed. It was about Shaka Zulu – a warrior from South Africa. Mrs. Isa liked it so much that wanted us to do it again at the last assembly of the Academic Year. The girls wore tops, skirts and hats with zebra stripes on them. My favourite part of the assembly was when the girls were dancing to the “Shona Manama” song.

I really enjoyed our Choir Challenge because I love singing to myself and Acacia, my house, won!!!!!! Our Acacia house captains, Naomi and Kelly, along with Mrs. Rowena helped our choreograph our movements to the song “See Him Laying on a Bed of Straw.” It was really nice to win. My favourite part of the performance was when we mix the song with “Long Time Ago in Bethlehem.”

Sports Day was weakening as usual. We were all extremely tired which made us lick glucose continuously. I wasn’t racing so I played with Mrs. Rowena’s baby daughter, Niraya. Eventually, I went home before the winner was announced because my whole family was hot and sweaty. The following Monday, my peers told me Acacia had won! Yay!

In music, Mr. Seun had been teaching us how to play varied notes on the guitar. Once we were all organized and in sync, he made us performed at the KS2 assembly!

The Annie Production will always have space in my head. The experience was both exciting and stressful. We pulled off a fantastic play in the end although there were some confusions. I think Omala did a tremendous job of being Annie! This was how I looked in the Annie play (I really liked my makeup):

I am very sad to be leaving the C.I.S. community, but they would always have a place in my heart. C.I.S. has taught me so much academically and socially. Now, I can type/write an essay using almost all the rudiments of writing. I will miss my friends and teachers a whole lot seeing as they have encouraged me for the past four (4) years. To conclude, this is what I think about C.I.S:
C.I.S. has been a great, fun-loving, amazing, exciting school. I came here in Year 2, when I was six years old. My teacher was Mrs. Akinyemi; she introduced me to the many ways and rules of C.I.S. The first person to talk to me was Ivanna – so I decided she was my best friend. Year 3 was just a regular year. My teacher, Mrs. Ajimuda, was very encouraging. But Year 4… it was a rollercoaster of mixed feelings! Mr. Manning was extremely funny, he taught learning as if it was fun and games, and we created AWESOME assemblies. I never wanted it to end!
In Year 5, my teacher was Mrs. Akinyemi (again)! I made new friends that came from other schools and was chosen as a part of the Leadership team! Year 6, oh my! I absolutely loved Year 6; it was my favourite class! Mrs. Dosunmu, my class teacher, taught me the meaning of a 4 tribe class. She told us quotes from great leaders telling us to never give up. Mrs. Anudu, my literacy teacher, taught me the meaning of self-regulation and compliance. I will also never forget the time when the whole Year 6 was put together in the mini-hall!
I will miss C.I.S. dearly when I go to secondary school. I will never forget all the good things the teachers have taught me. C.I.S. has made a great impact to who I am today!

Published: Jun 22, 2016
Latest Revision: Jun 22, 2016
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-153854
Copyright © 2016

CIS squad i’m using this to write mine cause i’m about to graduate