Animal Kingdom! by charlotte petrillo -
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Animal Kingdom!

  • Joined Oct 2023
  • Published Books 1
Animal Kingdom! by charlotte petrillo -
Animal Kingdom! by charlotte petrillo -



-Nearly all mammals are classed as ‘tetrapods’. This means that they move around on or have four limbs. Obviously, humans no longer have to use all four of our limbs to walk but if you think about a baby crawling, you can see how they learn to use fewer limbs as they get older.


-What about dolphins and whales? Well, it is believed that they once had four limbs but lost their hind legs through the process of evolution because they just don’t need them.




-Over 30,000 species of fish have been identified! In fact, fish are so abundant that we are sure even more types of fish still need to be discovered!


-Fish are classified as fish because they have vertebrae.

Having a vertebrae means that they have a backbone or a spine!




-The insects are the largest group of animals. In fact, about 75 percent of all animals are insects. Insects developed on Earth long before humans did. Today there are about 1 million known species, or types, of insect.


-Insects live all over the world. They can survive in almost any place where food is available. For instance, insects can be found in cold regions, hot rain forests, deserts, mountains, caves, and freshwater.

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