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                                       Table of Content

Introduction – pg 1 

Chapter 1 ( London)- pg2

Chapter 2 (Microorganisms and their effect)- pg3

Chapter 3 (Plague Symptoms) -pg4

Conclusion – pg5





Do you know what a plague is? Well, a plague is a contagious bacterial disease. From that do you know what The Great Plague was? If you guessed a Plague that lasted in England for about 1 year then you were correct! The Great(Bubonic) plague happened many various times in England, but one of the most major ones occurred in 1665 -1666. This plague wiped out one-third of England’s population. This year was filled with depression and sadness because many families were rapidly wiped out- it was either someone’s brother or mother over grandma.

Chapter 1


During those days, London was pretty like how it is nowadays. Before London developed, the houses were packed titghtly together and people threw rubbish on the floor. Since people threw rubbish and dirty on the floor, London was a filthy place. Even though London smelled horribly for humans, rats loved the smell and rats started to live there; this was the worst time for rats to live  there because at this time, rats carried Yersinia pestis. This was the bacteria that started the plague! 

Chapter 2

Microorganisms and The Plague

A microorganism is a microscopic organism. There are six types of micro-organism which:

  • Bacteria

  • Virus

  • Fungi

  • Protozoa

  • Algea

  • Archea

Microorganisms played a very important part in the Great Plague, the microorganism that started the plague was called bacteria. Since the plague struck in England during the summer, microorganisms were able to travel fast; therefore, if one person that had the disease coughed on another person then that person would have the infection! A lot of people died of the plague during the summer but as winter came, the death toll increased; however the plague could have been spread.

Chapter 3

Plague Symptoms

The symptoms for the plague are






In those days, if you choked, scratched, puked or had boils they would consider you as a ill person and stay as far as away from you a possible. 


In conclusion, the plague caused a lot of damage to England, don’t you think do?I would not want to ever live in the time of the plague. Would you?



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