# 423 – War Erupts – Who Are They? by Stephen Pohlmann - Ourboox.com
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# 423 – War Erupts – Who Are They?

Helping others to understand Israel - and Israelis to understand others...
  • Joined Sep 2016
  • Published Books 481

2 errors in yesterday’s Letter (and I think I promise I shall not be writing daily…):

The heading was ‘The 3rd Day’. It was, in fact, only the 2nd day. But it was difficult to comprehend that so much could have happened in less than 48 hours…

And the interviewed Palestinian official is Barghouti, not Marghouti.


Only 2 months ago, I wrote a Letter ‘The Who?”. I was fed up with those who keep on insisting we and the Palestinians are just people looking for a life etc. etc. I was trying to show that labelling them ‘Palestinians’ is too simplistic.

I listed 5 basic divisions within the ‘Palestinian community’. I quote: ‘The next ‘Palestinians’ are those living under Hamas rule – mostly in Gaza’. Quite obviously, I forgot one grouping: Hamas themselves. For I do not and will not believe that all Gazans agree with Hamas’ ideology.


Those who are attacking Israel now are that group. ‘Hamas’ is not descriptive enough. Let’s simply call them suicide bombers – or better: ‘suicidal maniacs’. Their whole being is based on the glory of quick death, their eventual place in everlasting Paradise, and the number of victims they can take with them on this terrible journey.


Who has the guts to be seen to be ‘on our side’, to shove aside diplomacy and come out with the truth? I’ve seen several ‘Palestinian leaders and spokespersons’, ALL of whom either hate Hamas (to the extent of killing them in Gaza’s civil war) or are directly opposed to them. Yet, none of them have been able to utter that this is wrong, that this hurts (kills) hopes of peace. In most cases, they have blamed this attack on Israel for their brutality in the Occupied Territories, for their actions against Al Aqsa mosque, for the settlement expansions etc., for apartheid, etc. etc.


Practically none of the ‘neutrals’ have been able to come out on Israel’s side. They of course criticise the Hamas horror, but still come out with ‘peace for the Palestinians’ and the need for a 2-state solution to be found.


I wonder what is going through Mohammed bin Salman’s mind (MBS). Ignoring small things like the killing of Saudi journalists etc., he has openly allowed talk of a treaty with Israel. You all should be aware of the many reasons he wants this, and the reasons he would put aside his country’s ‘lack of love’ for the Jews.


So what is he thinking? Iran’s proxy is committing just about every anti-civil crime in the book. I believe he would LOVE to jump the gun and sign on the dotted line with Israel – today! What an opportunity to totally sideline his greatest enemy and be accepted in the new ‘Middle East’. OK, it ain’t gonna happen. But it’s not fantasy.


I’m attaching what could be the defining photo of this horrible conflict (Creator: Anas Baba, Credit: AFP, Copyright: AFP or licensors). On one side, Hamas spews millions on pure, random terror.  On the other, Israel spends millions on defense. (No wonder, as I wrote last week, Germany wants to do business with Israel).

# 423 – War Erupts – Who Are They? by Stephen Pohlmann - Ourboox.com

The current situation:

– Over 700 Israelis have been killed; over 2,400 injured.

– Now estimated that over 1,000 Hamas terrorists entered Israel; some still remain. The others have returned to Gaza (with hostages), or are dead.

– Water and electrical supply to Gaza has been cut off. We’ll get criticism about that.

– Euro Union stops funds to Gaza, but it’s the money from Iran and Qatar that has to be stopped.


Saw interview on CNN with girl in Tel Aviv. Her cousins have all been captured: 2 parents, 2 grandparents and 2 kids, aged 3 and 9 months. All of them….seen on Arab news.

I have nothing else to write today…


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