by Gil osovski
Copyright © 2023
An summary of the book: try sarha tops
I came out of the museum of natural history and was crossing the street on my way to the subway. suddenly, I saw the crowd and the police car. I could hear the siren of an ambulance.
A man had been murdered outside the museum!
“this man tried to hide in the museum,but he didnt succeed”.
they caught out with him outside. then they knifed him and got away.
“well catch them though”, dad said. ” we know who they are. they are part of the gang that broke into the jewelry store two weeks ago. we got the jewels back, but we didnt catch all the man. and not all the jewels either. one diamond is still missing. A big one that worth 30000 dollars.
The woman who found him heard him say three words, very slowly: “Try…sarha…Tops”. and then he died.
Maybe the woman didnt hear “sarha tops” but sarahs top , you know a top that you spin. if the dead man had a daughter named sarha, maybe he made a hole in her toy top and hid the diamond inside.
We took a taxi and got there a few minutes later. A guard let us in.
We took the elevator up to the fourth floor. the guard put on a light. suddenly I felt at home. I knew them all. some were in glass cases. but the big ones were in the middle of the large room. ” I want to take a cloes look at that one ” I said. I looked at the skeleton . it was fantastic. “what is this”? I said. I picked it up smothing sticky. “Chewing gum”, said the guard. ” I dont understand”. ” I can explain”. I said. “the guy tried to get away. he had an idea. he wanted to keep the diamond away from the gang” before I could finish my sentence, dad took the gum from me. somthing inside caught the light and flashed. dad put it in an envelope. “how did you know”? he asked me. “well, look at the name of the dinosaur,” I said. dad looked. on the nameplate it was written: “TRYSERHATOPS”
Published: Oct 6, 2023
Latest Revision: Oct 7, 2023
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1502394
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