Butterfly Life Cycle
- Joined Oct 2023
- Published Books 1
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Learning Objective: The life cycle of a butterfly’s stages will be recognized by the students
Dear educators,
This eBook is suitable for Third-Grade
Who wouldn’t love to learn about how these amazing insects are created?
The butterfly’s life cycle is a fantastic approach for sparking students’ interest in science at a time when they are just starting to learn about science. This eBook will describe a butterfly’s life cycle! There are four stages in the metamorphosis of a butterfly.
Assistance with reading may be needed depending on the reading level

The Egg Stage:
Butterfly eggs are tiny and can come in unique colors and shapes. Adult female butterflies lay their eggs on certain kinds of leaves. The baby butterfly develops inside the egg, and when it hatches, it produces a caterpillar, beginning the next phase of the butterfly’s life cycle.

The Caterpillar (larva) Stage:
The second stage of a butterfly’s life cycle is the caterpillar, also known as the larva, which comes after the egg stage. Caterpillars mostly eat leaves, though sometimes they may eat flowers. They continue to eat and grow while storing energy for the next phase of their growth. The larval stage can last anywhere from a few days and a few weeks. The caterpillar will enter the pupa stage (chrysalis) once it has grown to its full size when it will experience an amazing transformation into an adult butterfly.

The Chrysalis Stage:
The caterpillar changes so much when in the chrysalis stage. It wraps itself with a chrysalis or pupa, which is a protective covering. The body of the caterpillar goes through major transformations inside the chrysalis. Its shape may be smooth or rough, and the color could be anything from clear to brown to green. The adult butterfly comes from the chrysalis after the transition is finished, showing fully developed wings and other adult features. This stage shows an incredible ability for metamorphosis in butterflies.

The Adult Butterfly Stage:
The adult butterfly is the final stage. Adult butterflies have bright colors and have often unique patterns on their wings, which may differ widely across different butterfly species. Adult butterflies are important pollinators because they spread pollen from one flower to another while eating nectar, causing the growth of plants. The butterfly’s amazing growth from an egg to a caterpillar, then a chrysalis, and eventually into the butterfly that we commonly see outdoors, takes place in the adult stage.

Butterfly Life Cycle Review Page:
Butterflies begin their life cycle as small eggs, which are typically placed on plant leaves.
The caterpillar stage is known as the larva stage.
A chrysalis, or protective shell, is created by the caterpillar once it has grown and eaten enough.
The chrysalis grows into a beautiful adult butterfly.
The order of metamorphosis is the egg stage, the caterpillar stage, the chrysalis stage, and the adult butterfly stage.
Use the following website to check your learning about the life cycle of a butterfly! ʚїɞ
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Published: Oct 5, 2023
Latest Revision: Oct 6, 2023
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1502058
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