Patterns for second-year students (Arakin) by Julia - Illustrated by Julia Belousova  -
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Patterns for second-year students (Arakin)


Artwork: Julia Belousova

  • Joined Sep 2023
  • Published Books 1


1.If I were you, I should keep an eye on that boy.

(C/: If I am well, I shall have a walking holiday.)

If I had time, I should go to the theatre tonight. If we were hungry, we should have a bite.

If you did not work enough, you wouldn’t get good marks. If Anne were in Moscow, she would ring me up.

If the weather were fine, we could go for a walk.

2. rather like the idea of having a cup of tea then. |

I dislike the idea of staying at home on such a fine day. The children liked the idea of going for a walk.

All of us liked the idea of spending the day off out of town.

We disliked the idea of staying in town the whole sum ­ mer.

Why don’t you like the idea of having dinner at my place?


Patterns for second-year students (Arakin) by Julia - Illustrated by Julia Belousova  -

1.I needn’t have hurried.

Cf. You needn’t go there tomorrow . — You needn’t have gone there yesterday.

I needn’t tell him that; he knows it. — I n eed n ‘t have told him that; he knew it already.

The teacher needn’t explain such simple things; the pupils know them. — The teacher needn’t have explained such simple things; the pupils knew them.

You needn’t ask this question . — You needn’t have asked this question.

2He’d been talking more than usual.

You’ve come later than usual.

Our homework today is longer than usual. Yesterday this actress played better than usual. Tomorrow I am to get up earlier than usual.

3. He looked at me with those kind blue eyes of his.

I knew too well that charming smile of hers. You needn’t repeat to me those lies of yours.

I really don’t know what to do with this naughty child ol mine.

I don’t like that sharp voice of your friend’s.

W ho said that? Of course, that dear husband of Mary’s.


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