Creative Writing Portfolio by Rayan Omar -
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Creative Writing Portfolio

  • Joined Jun 2023
  • Published Books 1
Creative Writing Portfolio by Rayan Omar -
Creative Writing Portfolio by Rayan Omar -


Mr. Ibraheem


As a student, I have been fortunate enough to have been taught by some amazing teachers. Among them, there is one that I hold dear to my heart – my favorite teacher, Mr. Ibraheem.


Mr. Ibraheem is a middle-aged man with a kind and pleasant face. His blue eyes sparkle, his neatly trimmed beard and hair always give him a perfect look. He is of average height and has a medium build, and he always dresses up in formal attire, which adds to his scholarly appearance.


However, it is not just his physical appearance that makes him my favorite teacher. Mr. Ibraheem has a natural talent for teaching, and he displays it in class every day. He is knowledgeable and always well-prepared. He has a kind and patient behavior that makes us feel good. He is always ready to lend an ear and help when we need it, and his encouragement and motivation have helped me and many other students to achieve our academic goals.


He is passionate about his subject matter and always tries to make his classes engaging and interesting. He often uses real-life examples and case studies to help us comprehend complex concepts.


Mr. Ibraheem is more than just a teacher to me; he is a mentor, friend, and role model. He has inspired me to pursue my dreams, instilled values of hard work and discipline, and taught me to believe in myself. His wisdom has helped me to navigate many personal and academic challenges, and I have become more confident and self-aware under his guidance.


To sum up, Mr. Ibraheem is a remarkable teacher with a unique ability to inspire and influence his students. His physical appearance is pleasant, but it’s his qualities as a teacher that set him apart. He is truly an exceptional teacher, and I will always be grateful for the impact he has had on my life.


Creative Writing Portfolio by Rayan Omar -

Kylian Creed



There are 8 billion people on Earth, and every one has its type of life and this is an example of one. Kylian Creed, is a regular handsome man who doesn’t have any special traits but, he is quite tall 183, blonde, with tanned skin, brown eyes, bushy beard. graduated law school 5 years ago. Clients trust him and they never fail their guts in him. Everyone knows how a hard worker he is, in a really short time he succeeded and built his own business.


He likes to be different from the others. Even though he is young, he doesn’t like to go to any loud places, he wears his white Karl shirt with his black tie, and he really cares about his mother which is the reason for building this character he has.  On the other hand, he is always angry at his mom for exhausting herself with home choruses


A house with a large garden, a swimming pool, and a big porch filled with toddlers playing with their grandma and his beloved wife, is one of his biggest dreams and everyone around him knows about it.


His family is his only treasure and if he ever lost them he would never feel happiness again and his tanned skin will turn pale and wouldn’t shine ever again, and his masculine voice might vanish and be that sad man who lives alone.


Kylian is this kind of a man, who is sweet, gentle, caring who gets angry so easily. He is a man with high expectations and of course a good-looking man, this is his life’s type and who he is.

Creative Writing Portfolio by Rayan Omar -

My Bedroom


This is my bedroom, the bed is in the middle of the room, and it is next to the window. There is a drawer on each side of the bed, and beside the right one, there is a tall mirror in the corner, and on its left side, there is a dresser. On the left side of the bed, there are two shelves next to the curtain. Finally, in front of the bed, I have a big closet that is next to the door.

Creative Writing Portfolio by Rayan Omar -

Eliaa’s Colorful Dream


Once upon a time, in a small village called Harmonyville, there was a young girl named Eliaa. Eliaa loved to paint and create beautiful artwork. She dreamt of sharing her creations with the world, but there was one problem, she could not find the right colors to bring her imagination to life.


Eliaa would search through her art supplies, but she only had a limited set of dull and faded colors. Her paintings lacked the vibrancy and energy she desired. She felt frustrated and discouraged, thinking that her dream of becoming an artist would never come true.


One day, while exploring the village, Eliaa stumbled upon an old, abandoned shed. Curiosity sparked within her, and she cautiously pushed open the creaky door. To her amazement, the shed was filled with jars of vibrant paint. Excitement bubbled inside Eliaa as she dipped her paintbrush into the brilliant red, blue, and yellow hues. She ran home, eager to create a masterpiece.


However, there was another problem—the canvas she had was small and didn’t allow enough space for her imagination to soar. Undeterred, Eliaa decided to ask the village elders for help. She explained her predicament and shared her passion for art. The wise elders listened attentively and thoughtfully considered her situation.



Creative Writing Portfolio by Rayan Omar -

One of the elders, Grandma Clara, had a brilliant idea. She knew of a secret meadow on the outskirts of the village, a vast, open space where Eliaa could paint to her heart’s content. The meadow was filled with lush grass and had a gentle breeze that whispered inspiration. Eliaa’s eyes widened with delight as she imagined herself surrounded by nature, painting freely with the vibrant colors she had discovered. With the elders’ permission, Eliaa ventured to the secret meadow and set up her easel.


In the meadow, Eliaa’s imagination soared. She painted breathtaking landscapes, vibrant flowers, and playful animals. Her artwork came to life with newfound colors, capturing the essence of beauty and joy. Word quickly spread throughout the village about Eliaa’s incredible artwork. People came from far and wide to witness her masterpieces. Eliaa’s paintings brought smiles to their faces and filled their hearts with warmth.


Eliaa’s problem of not having the right colors and a small canvas was solved by the generosity of the village elders and the discovery of the secret meadow. The vast space allowed her imagination to flourish, and the vibrant colors added life and energy to her artwork. The village celebrated Eliaa’s talent and the joy she brought to their lives. Eliaa learned that even in the face of challenges, seeking help and finding creative solutions could turn dreams into reality.


And so, Eliaa continued to paint, spreading happiness and inspiration with her vibrant artwork. Her story became a reminder to all that with a little help and determination, obstacles can be overcome, and dreams can be realized.

Creative Writing Portfolio by Rayan Omar -

A Dialogue


A: What would you like to be famous for?

B: I would like to be famous for having my own English center


A: How will you get famous?

B: Firstly, I would graduate from college with a degree in teaching English. Next, I will work hard for my reputation as an excellent English teacher of a second language.


A: Did you plan for it?

B: yes, and I’m still working on it.


A: Do you even have a background for opening a center?

B: Well, I used to tutor kids in my home, and I know how to do it.


A: Do you think you can be famous soon?

B: I can’t do anything right now until I finish my degree.


A: How many years did you learn?

B: I learned for 3 years, and this is the 4th one.


A: What is your first step after finishing college?

B: I will look for a big place to rent that can hold more than 20 students.


A: Why won’t you rent a small place, You know to start from the beginning and then grow big slowly?

B: I already started from the beginning and hope to grow bigger faster, because I can’t wait to see the Language Learning Hub center’s name on the building and to be seen by everyone.


A: It is a good name for a center I like; did you make the logo?

B: No, I didn’t. I am still on a low budget.


A: So that means you only thought about opening the center but haven’t done anything yet.

B: It is my dream, and every time I lay in bed, I think about it and think about how one day everyone will send their kids to my own center.


A: I really hope you succeed, I believe that you will be a good teacher one day and that everyone will be happy with your center.

B: Thank you, I really appreciate your motivational words for me.


Creative Writing Portfolio by Rayan Omar -

Reported Speech for the Dialogue


I asked my friend what she would like to be famous for, and she said that she would like to be famous for having her own English center. Then I asked her about how she would get famous, and she told me that she would first graduate from college with a degree in teaching English. After that, she will work hard on her reputation as an excellent English teacher of a second language. Then I asked her if she planned a fit, and she stated that she is still working on it. Then I asked her if she even had the background to open a center. She claimed that she used to tutor kids in her home, and she knows how to do it. After that, I asked her if she thought she could be famous soon. She giggled that she can’t do anything right now until she finishes her degree. I asked her about how many years she has learned; she answered that she has learned for 3 years, and this year is the fourth one. I asked her what her first step after finishing is, and she announced that she will look for a big place to rent that can hold more than 20 students. She was opposing the idea of renting a small place, so I asked her if she wouldn’t rent a small place, and she answered me that she already started from the beginning and hopes to grow bigger faster because she can’t wait to see the Language Learning Hub center’s name on the building and to be seen by everyone. I replied to her that it was a good name for a center, and I asked her excitedly if she had made a logo. She said that she doesn’t; she is still on a low budget. So I understood for her that she only thought about opening the center but hasn’t done anything yet because she said it is her dream, and every time she lays in bed, she thinks about it and about how one day everyone will send their kids to her own center. I announced that I really hope she succeeds. I believe that she will be a good teacher one day and that everyone will be happy with her center. She thanked me and appreciated my motivational words for her.

Creative Writing Portfolio by Rayan Omar -
Creative Writing Portfolio by Rayan Omar -
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