Curious Danny

by Adar Avni
- Joined Mar 2023
- Published Books 10
Copyright © 2023
It was a spring day, and Danny went to the zoo with his mother.
at the entrance to the zoo,
Danny heard a lot of voices he doesn’t know,
He saw a lot of sights that he does not know
And he smelled a lot of smells that he doesn’t know.
He looked around curiously, then suddenly, Danny heard a roar, and decided to follow the voice.
The roar grew louder, with Danny’s steps, until suddenly he saw a large and scary lion in front of his eyes.
Danny was startled, looked to his sides with concern, but realized that his mother was not next to him.
Terrified Danny burst into bitter tears, until suddenly he heard from the cage next to him:
“Hey cute boy, why are you crying?”
“Oh no big lion, please don’t eat me!” replied Danny
“Why would I eat you? I’m a lion in the zoo, I only eat plants.” replied the lion
“Ahh, I’ve never known such a lion.” Danny answered
“Why do you look so scared? Would you like me to help you with something?’ replied the lion
Danny hesitated a little and then answered: “Yes, I can’t find my mother and I’m very frightened, have you seen her by any chance?”
The lion raised his head, scanned the area and answered: “I think you should go to the giraffe, she sees the whole zoo, she will surely be able to help you.”
“Thank you Lion!” Danny answered excitedly. “I’ll go look for her, take care!”

Danny continued walking through the zoo until he looked up at the sky and saw the head of a giraffe.
“Hey giraffe, can you help me find my mom?”
“Hey giraffe!! I need your help!”
Danny shouted to the sky, but without an answer.
Danny stomped on the floor angrily and said: “This giraffe is arrogant, she doesn’t even look in my direction. She won’t want to help me.”
Suddenly heard:
“Hey cute boy, did you talk to me? I’m very tall so I can’t hear what’s going on down there.” answered the giraffe.
“Hey giraffe, I’m lost and I’m looking for my mother, can you help me?”
The giraffe scanned the whole zoo and suddenly said: “I have an idea! The monkeys are jumping from tree to tree all over the zoo, I’m sure they’ll find your mother.’
“Thank you very much Giraffe!” replied Danny, “keep enjoying the clouds”.

Danny continued on his way when he suddenly heard from the trees “Oh, oh, oh, oh.” Looked into the tree and saw three monkeys.
Danny shouted to the tree: “Hey monkeys! I need your help! Can you help me find my mother?’
The monkeys looked down and answered:
“Hey cute boy! Sure we’ll help you? The problem is that we don’t know what your mother looks like…”
“Oh no, that’s true,” Danny answered, “I can’t believe you won’t be able to help me either.”
“That’s not what we meant, cute boy, we wanted to offer you to jump between the trees with us until we find your mother.” replied the monkeys.
“Wow, what a great idea! I would love to join you.’

Danny and the three monkeys jumped between all the trees in the zoo, passed between the peacocks and chickens, elephants and cheetahs, to the penguins and koalas.
Than they reached the zebras, and took a good look.
Suddenly they saw someone dressed in black and white, among all the zebras, so it was difficult to recognize who it was.
“Mom!!!!” Danny shouted and jumped from the tree to the ground.
“Danny, I was so worried about you!!! Where have you been all this time?” Mom hugged Danny tightly.
“Mom, I was also very scared, but the truth is that I made a lot of new friends, and I discovered that everyone’s difference is their beauty.”

Published: May 27, 2023
Latest Revision: May 27, 2023
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1460668
Copyright © 2023