Michelle’s Poetry Book by Michelle Wawrzosek - Illustrated by Michelle Wawrzosek - Ourboox.com
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Michelle’s Poetry Book


Artwork: Michelle Wawrzosek

  • Joined May 2016
  • Published Books 2

Table of Contents:

     Creature Alliteration Poem

All About Me Poem

Limerick Poem

Acrostic Poem

Haiku Poem

Color Poem


Michelle’s Poetry Book by Michelle Wawrzosek - Illustrated by Michelle Wawrzosek - Ourboox.com

A funny animal named

A Drumalingoain


A Drumalingoain lives in Drakeville by a duckville .

A Drumalingoain eats Dry drumsticks with a drink

A Drumalingoain likes dresses draft my drawings and loves to go on dates.

A Drumalingain Drives into Driveways and makes drama.

A Drumalingoain Drags my dresses and makes them dirty.

Michelle’s Poetry Book by Michelle Wawrzosek - Illustrated by Michelle Wawrzosek - Ourboox.com

The Best 

All About Me Poem

Caring , helpful, giving, and artistic

Sibling of Krystian and julia

Loves her family and house

Fears of singing infront of the class

Needs To go shoping

Gives cloths to poor people

Would like to see Paris.

Resident of Garfield NJ


Michelle’s Poetry Book by Michelle Wawrzosek - Illustrated by Michelle Wawrzosek - Ourboox.com



There once was a boy

He likes to play with toys

He always did his work

He never acts like a jerk

He always lived by Roy

Michelle’s Poetry Book by Michelle Wawrzosek - Illustrated by Michelle Wawrzosek - Ourboox.com

Acrostic Poem

Makes me feel happy

         Our fun times

More fantastic days

My mom is always happy

You are the best mom ever

Michelle’s Poetry Book by Michelle Wawrzosek - Illustrated by Michelle Wawrzosek - Ourboox.com

Outside In the Summer

It’s time for summer

Throw tons of water balloons

Summer will not end!!

Michelle’s Poetry Book by Michelle Wawrzosek - Illustrated by Michelle Wawrzosek - Ourboox.com

Color Poem

Blue is the color of my shirt for the spring concert.

Blue is the color of my pencil

Blue is the color of the waves in the beach.

Blue is the color of my room wall.

Blue smells like blue rasberrys.

Blue tastes like gumballs.

Blue sounds like the ocean water.

Blue looks like the beach.

Blue feels like icey snow on my face.

Blue makes me feel nervous.

Blue is my favorite color.

Michelle’s Poetry Book by Michelle Wawrzosek - Illustrated by Michelle Wawrzosek - Ourboox.com
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