Table of Contents:
Creature Alliteration Poem
Bio Poem
Limerick Poem
Acrostic Poem
Haiku Poem
Color Poem

This is a Hound-Bot
A Hound-Bot lives in a happy Hawaiian habbitat
The Hound-Bot eats healthy hardy heroes with ham
The Hound-Bot hops on hoops and hanglides
This Hound-Bot loves healing helping snails
The Hound- Bot had become a hero in Hawaii which
made me get a trillion

Sibling of Hana, Adea,
Who loves mom,dad,grandpa,Hana,Adea
Who fears heights
Who needs to cheer people up
Who gives happiness
Who would like to go to El Classico
Resident of Hackensack, NJ

cool Dude is cool
he duels in a pool
he eats doritos
but his enemy eats cheetos
and sometimes they druel

Me And My Fish
I love it with all my hart
We surf together

Galaxy blue is the galaxy.
Galaxy blue is very shiny.
Galaxy blue is best friends with gravity.
Galaxy blue is in space.
Galaxy blue blue smells like blue cotton candy.
Galaxy blue taste like blue cotton candy.
Galaxy blue sounds like a rocket ship zooming in space.
Galaxy blue looks like the galaxy.
Galaxy blue feels like blueberry ice cream.
Galaxy blue makes me want to go to space.
Galaxy blue is a unique color.

Happy place to live in
Awesome people and water
Amazing sunset
Impossible to walk and swim there

Published: May 24, 2016
Latest Revision: May 24, 2016
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-145781
Copyright © 2016