The most unusual job in the world by Liad Neeman -
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The most unusual job in the world

  • Joined Mar 2023
  • Published Books 13

The job I picked is the an important part of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot


The etrog is a yellow, citrus fruit with a thick rind and a fragrant, tangy taste and is an important part of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.



The “Petam etrogs expert” work is to value the most importent part of the Etrog- the petam


The Etrog’s petam is a small, woody protrusion at the top of the fruit. It is a natural feature of the etrog and is an important consideration when selecting an etrog for use during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. The petam must be intact and unbroken to be considered a “perfect” etrog.


The “Petam etrogs expert” knows how to define between the small differences of the petam and to mark each fruit with the correct price tag.


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