by Zuhal KÜÇÜK

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  • Joined Apr 2023
  • Published Books 2

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this e-book, which contains our common story prepared by all our member students in our project.



            Panagiota BOUBOULI




Ela woke up with the first light of the morning. She quickly washed her face and went to the table. That day, they were going to give a concert for the first time to their friends with the band at school. It was exciting. She was afraid to forget the lyrics of the song during the concert..( Ela YALOVA)


Her heart was beating with fear and excitement, she didn’t even want to have breakfast, she was a little more excited to say it with her friends.(Mazdah ÇINARCIK)


She had given mini-concerts to her family before, but this time was different. Singing in front of her friends was a first for her. (Beren GOLHISAR)


Her mother had sewn a stage outfit for Ela for that day. Ela got even more excited when she saw the stage costume in her mother’s hand. Her mother said to Ela: first have your breakfast, then put on your stage clothes.

Ela was too excited to listen to her mother.(Aras CANAKKALE).


She was very curious to see how she would look in her costume. She interrupted her breakfast and got up from the table. She ran to her room and quickly put on her pink costume. She looked like a fairy when she looked at herself in the mirror. She was happy with it.(Alara GOLHİSAR) 

She felt like a fairy. She always believed in a fairy in the fairy tales she read. She has always thought that fairies come to  aid to good people and children in need. (Ayaz BALIKESİR)

She imagined the fairies in the stories. Her shining clothes, her red shoes and magic sticks and her smiling face. (Zehra YALOVA)

She thought of the fairy in the Cinderella story she had read last year. Will a fairy appear in front of you one day? (Selin GOLHİSAR)


She danced to show her mother in the kitchen. Seeing Ela in her pink costume, her mother was touched:

-Ela girl, you should have had your breakfast first. Then you must have put on your costume. She said why did you do this.

Ela answered her mother by continuing her dancing. I’m a fairy, nothing will happen to me, my mother said don’t worry.(Altay ÇINARCIK)


She was too happy to fit inside. Unaware of what will happen to her (Ela GOLHİSAR)


 She sat down at the breakfast table again. She smeared butter on a slice of bread, then strawberry jam and took a big bite. She panicked when the jam spilled into her costume. Her mother had warned her. She went to the bathroom without being seen by anyone. She poured the bleach from the detergents onto a cloth to remove the dirt more quickly. With that, she started wiping the strawberry jam off her dress. Her mother went to the bathroom when she heard the sounds in the bathroom. She suddenly screamed. (Ömer MEVLANA)



Her mother first looked at Ela with angry eyes. Then, seeing her daughter’s sadness, she hugged her tightly. In a sad tone, why didn’t you listen to me? Your dress is dirty. You tried to clean it with bleach and the result was terrible.(Edanur YALOVA)


Ela and her mother went out and visited many stores, but all the dresses they found for Ela were very expensive. Ela’s mother told her, “It’s getting dark, we have to go home. We’ll see some more tomorrow.” (Kerem ÇINARCIK)


Ela was very upset about this situation. Anyway, her mom said she wouldn’t hesitate to make a new dress for her. She went to Ella’s room and opened the closet. She saw the princess dress she wore on her birthday (İLKE ÇANAKKALE)


“You can wear this,” her mother said. Everyone would like it if you wore it on your birthday. You will be the star of the fashion show. Ella believed it. She wore the dress. (EYMEN BAYRAKTAR)


She suddenly realized that the dress was too small for her. It was sad again, and what a terrible situation. She thought she had gained weight. (HANZADE CANAKKALE)


The zipper of the dress was not closing. Ella was very upset. She looked in the mirror and when she saw this situation, she became more upset.(Elifnaz ÇINARCIK)


Just then, her cat, Garfield, came running into the room. She started to scratch her dress. At that moment, her mother’s phone rang.ALI BALIKESIR)


This was her grandmother. She was sick and asked her mother to come and take care of her and make her some soup. Her mother said she could come to her after the show. (YUNUS MEVLANA)


When her mother’s speech was prolonged, Ela lain down on the sofa and fell into a sweet sleep (Beyza BİLSEM).


In her dream, she sees a mirror in front of her and a fairy comes to her room. Do not worry honey. I’ll get you a dress from my closet. You will look like a princess when you wear it. (ROYEM CANAKKALE)


She went to the fairy castle and decided to choose the most beautiful dress in her closet for Ela. She chose a frilly pink dress she saw there. She came to Ela’s side, spewing magic dust from her fairy wings. (NISA MEVLANA)


Ela was very happy when she saw the dress that the fairy brought in her hand. Because this was exactly the dress of her dreams. Ela thanked the fairy very much. The fairy smiled, scattered the magic dust and disappeared.(Duru ÇINARCIK)


She wore the dress that the fairy brought. Her mother came to her room. Oh my god, you look so attractive. Where did you find this dress? (Tuna YALOVA))


When Ela woke up from her sleep, she realized that the dress that the fairy brought in her dream was really on. How would she explain this to her mother? She had a dress now and she was going to the fashion show with this dress. (HASAN BALIKESIR)


She suddenly remembered that her mother liked to drink coffee. She suggested making coffee to her mother. Her mother agreed. And they entered the hall. Ela went to the kitchen and made coffee for her mother.(EMİR BAYRAKTAR)


When her mother told me that the fairies brought me the dress in my dream, Ela was surprised and said I will tell you exactly that dream.(Ali ÇINARCIK)


Ela wanted to tell her mother about the dress. Her mother didn’t believe in fairies. Just when she was about to tell his mother that the fairy in hier dream brought the dress, the doorbell rang.(Öykü BİLSEM)


Her eyes followed her mother. She took a deep breath. She looked at the clock out of the corner of her eye. Seeing that there was very little time left for the concert, she became nervous.(Kerem YALOVA)


Now it’s  the concert time. Ela’s friends came to take her to the concert. She kissed her mother and went outside. Her mother was shocked at home. Everything was happening at once. While Ela was thinking about what happened at home, Ela and her friends had already come to the concert hall.(DURU ÇANAKKALE)


Ela’s friends excitedly chattered about the night as they made their way to the concert hall. Ela felt a nervous surge in her stomach, wondering if she would let her mother out this late. But she pushed those worries aside and focused on the excitement of the moment. She would finally see her favorite band performing live, and she couldn’t wait to dance and sing with her friends. When they entered the concert hall, the energy and excitement of the crowd surprised Ela. The music had already exploded and people were jumping and dancing to the beat.


They slowly entered the crowd. The rhythm of the music, the atmosphere was magnificent.(Sude YALOVA)


Ela and her friends joined by losing themselves in the music and the moment. They sang, danced and laughed, feeling carefree and alive. And Ela could not help but enjoy every second of the concert, even though she knew that her mother was worried that she was sick at home.(Bade ÇINARCIK)


Ela and her friends were having a good time at the concert. Ela was happy to be like a princess in her fairy dress. When she came home at the end of the concert, she saw her mother waiting for her in the hall. She could no longer escape. She had to tell her mother everything. (SILA BAYRAKTAR)

Yes Ela, tell me everything. What happened today, where did you get this dress, I’ve been so patient so far, I don’t want to ruin your day, but don’t lie to me, I’m listening to you. (Halil Efe BALIKESIR)

– Well, mom, I’ll tell you everything. I saw a fairy in my dream. She said she would bring a dress from her fairy wardrobe. When I woke up, I opened my closet and saw the dress and said I wore it.(Ecrin YALOVA)

“I don’t believe you,” said her mother. You always make up stories. You must tell me the truth. Where did you find this dress? You have to stop lying to me.

-No, mom, I’m telling you the truth! There are fairies and they are very good! One of them brought me this magic dress! (Fote, Greece)


No matter what Ela said to her mother, she could not persuade her to the fairies.(Doruk GÖLHİSAR)

Ela’s mother told Ela that the fairies were not real, they were the product of Ela’s imagination, but Ela persistently showed her mother the dress that the fairy brought, her mother did not believe her and said that the fairies were not real.(Elif ÇINARCIK)

Her mother’s disbelief made her very sad.(Sebra YALOVA)

 Ela started to cry after that, and then she went to her room and slept. Her mother sneaked into Ela’s closet and waited there.The fairy came to Ela’s dream and asked her why she was crying (Hüseyin MEVLANA)

Because I told my mom  you brought me that dress but she didn’t believe me, I’m not a liar. How can I explain this to my mother! The fairy was very upset and decided to help Ela. (Berru Bayraktar)

Fairy says I promise her that everything will be better when she wakes up tomorrow morning. Ela wakes up in the morning, feels happy and smiles all the time.

(Cengiz Canakkale)


For the first time, Ela is not afraid. She feels strong. She is happy. She knows that the fairy will help her. Others will no longer doubt her and where she got the dress. She is waiting for her mother. (Emmeleia, Greece)

Her mother comes into the room and sees her daughter smiling. At that moment, the fairy appears in the middle of the room. Her mother is in shock, scared. The fairy says to her, madam, you should always trust your children. (Beren Bayraktar)

Her mother looked at her daughter and the fairy in amazement. “Who are you?” her mother asked. The fairy told her mother who she was. After the mother calmed down, she agreed with the fairy’s words. “I’m so sorry I didn’t trust my daughter, I’ll be more understanding now. Thank you for reminding me of that,” said the mother. She took the word of the fairy mother on this matter. The fairy said, “We come there when we see a sad child.”(Doruk ÇINARCIK)


Because all children are innocent and feel good. I’ve come to help your daughter from the Fairy Council. We all help children in need. We wish them happiness. Trust your daughter and let her be happy. (Mustafa Çanakkale)

When your child is talking to you, look into their eyes and you will see how sincere they are. (Alperen GOLHİSAR)

Her mother turned to her daughter’s .She looked into herself . She saw how sweet and beautiful she was.(Talha YALOVA)

I understand you’re right, I shouldn’t be so suspicious, said the mother. I believe now, girl. Fairies exist, but only innocent people can find them. (Konstantinos, Greece)

I’m a good fairy, but beware of malicious witches. Don’t believe them. Whatever they say, do the opposite. If you listen to the witches, bad things can happen to you, he said, and left.(Taha MEVLANA)

Mother was very happy to meet a good fairy. It was a real happiness for her  and her daughter. Good fairies always take care of children, which means Ela leads a happy life. But the mother began to worry. The good fairy said: “Watch out for the evil witches!” (Nela, POLAND)


She was determined to do everything in her power to prevent Ela from encountering an evil witch. If necessary, she would sleep with her at night, go to school with her every day, and even go to class with her daughter. Then she thought it might be too much and smiled to herself. (Muhammed MEVLANA)

She thought that Ela should know herself and decide what is right and wrong for her. (Merve GOLHISAR)


Her mother thought for a moment. There were good people and bad people in life. Just like there are good fairies and bad witches. She thought that for her daughter to be a good person, she should think well and do good things.(Efe YALOVA)

The mother told what she went through to make her daughter a good person. She lied to people. She gave information about not blaming them. But most importantly, she gave her daughter a good communication and correct understanding. The information has misunderstood the subject. If she tells it like this, that person will misunderstand and slander her daughter. If she misunderstands the subject, she listens well.(Aslı ÇINARCIK)


Ella thought of her mother. She knew that her mother was a good person. They didn’t need fairies to be good or witches to be bad. We must work harder to do the good, the beautiful, the right, he thought. The first thing I did was hug her family, who worked so hard for her. Thank you (Güney BALIKESIR)

But then night came. And all of a sudden Ela heard a sound from the closet again. She rushed to open it, waiting to meet her beloved fairy! But this time it wasn’t the same fairy. Another evil and dangerous witch appeared in her wardrobe. Ella was also shocked and scared. Why had that malicious witch appeared in your wardrobe? (Kosmina, Greece)


 She started to stay calm and think. Could all this be a mind game? Was all this real or was her mind playing tricks on her? But she was wearing that dress! Why did this witch come here? I’ll act right the way I act, thought Ela. A lot of things were going through her mind, but she thought of calling her mother. Then she paused and remembered a book she had read. (Büşra BAYRAKTAR)


The book was a very good book on mind games. Our minds can sometimes play tricks on us. But what if the witch had really come? This scared her a little. She began to visualize the sentences in the book. “Do not be afraid…” (Efe MEVLANA)

“…if you search, the solution will reveal itself”. Ela tried to find a way to drive away the scary witch. Perhaps if she had shown the witch that she was not afraid of him, the witch would have been frightened and gone. Therefore, “I am not afraid of you! You can’t hurt me because I can use magic like a fairy”. She took a pen from her desk and waved it like a magic wand. (Elvin BAYRAKTAR)

“Witches get stitches!” said. At that moment, a bird flew out of the open window and attacked the witch. The witch screamed and waved her hands frantically to drive the bird away. She said… (Asli, CANAKKALE)


“You idiot! What have you done? How can you use magic like a fairy?” and disappeared in the dark. Ela was also shocked. She was just pretending to use magic, but it really worked. How did that happen? (Nisa Bayraktar)

Sh felt better as her heart pounded. Activate the power within had passed..She was proud of herself.(Mila YALOVA)

The witch decided to run away from the room after the girl’s power, but as she ran away, she scared Ela away. Ela was still in shock and fear of this situation. (Emin MEVLANA)

She suddenly appeared in the fairy room from the other day. “I was the one using magic. I have protected you from the evil witch”. (Ece Canakkale)

However, now that you wield the wand, you have all the magic power! From now on you have to be careful. This power can be harmful if misused. Magic isn’t always good, and most people use it for their own good. (Chrysa, Greece)


“I promise to be careful and use my powers for the good of people,” she said and ran to her mother (Havin MEVLANA)

There were so many questions she wanted to ask the fairy. But the concert time was very close. Postponed her questions ( Kenan YALOVA )

She had been through a lot in a short time. Before going on stage for the concert, she gave her farewell speech with the fairy (Yiğit BALIKESİR).

They continued their conversation. Ela entered the room restlessly and her mother calmed her down. Ela went to the concert and started to sing her song, they sang it so well that they got a standing ovation.(Zehra ÇINARCIK)

Ela loved to sing in front of the mirror in her room. She would sing in front of the mirror, using her hairbrush as a microphone. She sang better today. And she danced not with a hairbrush, but with a real microphone. She was very happy. She had achieved something better than her  dreams (Bilge Çanakkale).


Then she decided to turn her room into a stage. Now she was singing on a big stage. The truth was before her. The audience was very happy to be with them, but they had no idea what would happen to her. (Çağrı MEVLANA)

The concert is over. She was very happy about this, her family was proud of her, and the audience liked her performance very much. Ela started looking for the fairy to thank her for what she had done to her, but could not find her anywhere. Suddenly time stopped… (Mikołaj, Poland)

She closed his eyes. She counted to 10. She opened her eyes again.(Ceyda YALOVA)

But there wasn’t still a fairy.She suspected about herself.Was it real or dream?If it is a dream how was that situation became true?Anyway she didn’t want to think of these?(Öykü Çanakkale)


She only wanted to sleep and empty her brain.She fell asleep.She dreamed a fairy when she slept. A fairy came and started to talk with Ela again.(Köksal Çanakkale)

She said that Ela was wonderful on the stage.She was like a star.She said that she was appreciated with her because of her talent.(Nedim Çanakkale)

Ela thanked fairy and said everything was because of her. Ela asked a fairy that is she real or dream? No said a fairy. I am real and only seen to good-hearted children and people.(Elif Çanakkale)

Ela understood the situation now. She appreciated her and awoke suddenly.(Ömer Faruk Çanakkale)

Surprisingly a phone rang and Ela’s mother hung  up the phone.The speaker was a man who had a very famous music school. He watched Ela’s show on the stage. And she liked her voice and performance.(Köksal Çanakkale)


He was Kemal Korman and he was rich. Also he was very generous and likes helping people. Mr. Korman suggested Ela to attend his school and he decided to provide her a scholarship.(Nazlı Çanakkale)

Ela’s mother was surprised and said her about this surprise.Ela screamed unexpectedly.She couldn’t believe what she heard.She was happy because her dreams came true.(Demir Çanakkale).

It was the best day in her life! Ela phoned her best friend to tell her about her happiness. She wanted to tell it to the whole world. Her friend was happy with Ela. (Natalia, Poland)


The next morning Ela went to her new school. Everything was so new and interesting! The teachers were friendly and very helpful. The students also looked very nice.Ela thought that the fairy did a really good thing for her.(Kacper, Poland).

 Now a new life started for Ela. She was at the school of her dreams. She was studying music. She was famous. Everyone loved her performance. But where was the fairy? She missed her 

company. She was her best friend. (Εvangelia, Greece)


Sometimes Ela thought that she could see the fairy, she noticed her in a street or in the park. But the girl wasn’t sure that was her fairy. But Ela felt her presence all the time.(Michał, Poland)

She was so sad. She wanted to see her fairy again. Sometimes she was looking for the fairy at the streets, in the wardrobe, at the park. She started to feel loneliness. But one day out of a sudden she heard a noise outside the window. Who was there? (Konstantinos, Greece)


Ela was afraid but also curious. She wanted to meet her good friend- the fairy. But she was not sure. She was eager to look out of the window, but she remembered to be always careful. It might have been the good fairy but what if it was a bad creature? (Ewa, Poland)

And Ela decided to look out of the window, because she wanted to meet the fairy- she missed her so much! But nobody was there!!! The girl noticed something on the grass. It was a white envelope. Ela wanted to open it. ( Kacper, Poland)

Ela ran to the grass. She took the envelope. She couldn’t believe it! The fairy was captured by the bad fairy. She asked Ela to find her wand and go to save her. But she had no time. She had to rush. (Kosmina, Greece)

Ela went to her room very quickly. She had to find the wand.But where it was? She was looking everywhere. She started crying. The wand had disappeared. It was the worst moment in her life. The fairy was in a danger and she couldn’t help her. ( Weronika, Poland)


She close her eyes and heard the voice of the fairy. Go quickly to the forest you will find there the wand. She ran to the forest. Then a bird approached her keeping the wand on its beak. Now she had the wand. But she had to go quickly otherwise her good fairy would die. (Fote, Greece)

But she didn’t know where to go. The fairy hadn’t given her any tips. Ela looked up and saw the bird on the branch. It was still there. Why? Maybe the bird knew the way? Maybe the fairy had sent the bird?( Kinga, Poland)

And Ela asked the bird about the fairy, and to her surprise the bird answered her  that it knew the way. The girl was happy and she followed it. She ran very quickly, she wanted to save the fairy.( Kornelia, Poland)

After a few minutes they reached to the small cottage. Ela went very close to it, she was a bit scared but she knew that she had to be brave. And she really was. She opened the door. ( Hanna, Poland)


And she heard : Surprise! All her family, friends and the fairy were in the cottage. It was Ela’ s birthday today and all wanted to celebrate it.  Ela was so happy. She had forgotten about her birthday. She  only wanted to save the fairy. And now she was crying because of the happiness. Everybody was wishing her the best. Her dream came true: all people that she loved were with her.( Nela, Poland)



                                               THE END

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