The Horse Kingdom

by shlomi
Artwork: Shlomi Reisner
- Joined Mar 2023
- Published Books 11
Copyright © 2023
Not many years ago there was a strong and proud colt with a black tail at the tip. His fur was brown and shiny, and he had a beautiful white spot on his head.
In Uncle Noam’s farm, the colt grew up to become a handsome and wild horse. Grandpa Kiki decided to name him Bar.
When the villagers heard about Bar’s arrival, they wanted to see who he was. The children rushed to welcome him because they had never seen a horse in such a beautiful kingdom before.
As the colt grew, he became an amazing horse, standing stable and looking impressive.
Every day, the children of the village would come to watch the wild horse’s show, as it swung its tail and mane in all directions, got on its hind legs, and neigh like a leader.
In the farm, there were many other animals, and they were all happy when Uncle Noam came to clean Bar’s hooves. Why were they happy, you ask? Because they knew they would receive warm treatment too!
The rooster called out with a loud voice, and the peacock felt he had to act. Immediately, the other farm animals joined the chorus and burst into a song. And Bar, from above, could see what was happening and neigh like a king.

Bar would happily shake his head and show everyone how Grandma Bracha combed him, gave him hay and a mixture of food, and kissed his head to show him how much she loved him. When Uncle Noam took Bar for a ride and the wind caressed his face, he felt like a king on a golden horse.
Uncle Noam and Bar were good friends. They were there for each other even in difficult moments, they shared a language that no one else understood.
The horse lived in the small farm, filled with pride because it felt like a big kingdom.
Bar the horse was happy, and in his heart, he hoped that Uncle Noam would come the next day and take him for a ride again.
Night fell, and the moon rose. The animals’ song slowly stopped, the village children had already left, and Bar stood and thought to himself how lucky he was to have such a family. He slowly closed his eyes and went to sleep with a soft smile on his lips.
Good night, dear Bar. Good night, brave and handsome horse. We are waiting for the next day when we will see you again.
The end
Published: Mar 9, 2023
Latest Revision: Mar 9, 2023
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1427287
Copyright © 2023