Life of an Apple
- Joined Feb 2023
- Published Books 2
Copyright © 2023
Learning Objectives:
-Students will learn the steps of how an apple grows
-They will be able to create their own life cycle based on what they learned in the book
-Students will be able to discuss the steps with a teacher or classmate
For Educators:
The purpose of this book is to demonstrate the life cycle of an apple by showing the steps. It also includes an activity for students to get involved and create their own life cycle. This activity is a way for educators to see their students’ progress in understanding the life cycle! This book is ideal for 2nd or 3rd-grade classrooms.
First apple seeds gets planted into the ground

The seed grows in the ground and eventually sprouts into a tree. This takes between 7 to 10 years. Flowers will begin to bloom

One the tree is developed enough and the flowers bloom, apples begin to sprout

Apples being to grow and can take anywhere from 100-200 days to ripen. The best months to pick apples are October and November!

That is the life cycle of an apple. Here is a video to watch the steps happen all together.
Lets Discuss:
What is your favorite apple?
How long do trees take to grow?
What are the best months to pick apples?
Create your own apple tree life cycle! Get creative and use the steps you learned in this book to help.
Published: Feb 24, 2023
Latest Revision: Feb 24, 2023
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1422452
Copyright © 2023