Tire Service by Trushchak Olha - Ourboox.com
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Tire Service

  • Joined Nov 2022
  • Published Books 2

Зміст книги

  1. Лексика з теми «Шиномонтаж»
  2. Tire чи Tyre (варіанти слова)
  3. Перевірка знань з лексики (googleform)
  4. Види шин (ілюстрація).
  5. Відеоматеріал «З чого виготовляють шини»
  6. Завдання на apps
  7. Car inspection
  8. Відоматеріал «Як провести технічний огляд автомобіля»
  9. Перевірка знань «Відтворіть алгоритм дій під час первинного техогляду»
  10. Робота з текстом «Zero-pressure tires or run-flat tires»
  11. Числа та одиниці вимірювання.
Tire Service by Trushchak Olha - Ourboox.com



Word File  

zero-pressure tire – шина з нульовим тиском

pneumatic tire- пневматична шина

bead filler – бортиковий наповнювач

beads -бортики

cord body –кордова основа

inner tire – внутрішня камера

inner lining – внутрішня підкладка

tread – протектор

sidewall – бокова стінка

radial ply – радіальний шар

radial tire – шина з радіальним кордом

bias-ply tire – шина з діагональним каркасом

tread design – малюнок протектора

rubbing strip – гумовий прошарок

rubber wall- гумовий бортик

technical specifications – технічні особливості

blowout – розрив (шини)

fuel consumption – витрати палива

support ring – бокове підтримуюче кільце

wet road performance – поведінка автомобіля на мокрій дорозі


Tire Service by Trushchak Olha - Ourboox.com
Tire Service by Trushchak Olha - Ourboox.com



TASK  Read the text and translate it.


Zero-pressure tires or run- flat tires


The symbolic relationship between the auto and tire industries was born when French brothers Eduard and Andre Michelin began producing pneumatic tires for Parisian cabs in the early 1890s. Over the following 100 years, three Michelin innovations stand out as examples of the company’s dedication to the technological advances to benefit consumers and the auto industry.

In 1946, Michelin engineers developed the first radial tire for a car: the Michelin X – an innovation that would change forever the automotive industry. The radial tire’s ability to hold the road, increased tread life, wet road performance, and ride quality are legendary. Today, radials remain the industry standard.

Responding to the global environmental challenge, Michelin introduced the word’s first 80,000-mile tire in 1992. Two years later, the company introduced the Michelin Energy line of tires. These ‘green’ tires offer a significant reduction in rolling resistance, thus providing improvements in fuel consumption. In 1997, Michelin again made automotive history as the first tire company to offer zero-pressure or run-flat tires to the replacement market for popular family vehicles.

In the new millennium, Michelin believes its latest technology breakthrough – the innovative Pax System – could set a new standard. An integrated system offering improved performance, mobility, safety, and major options in vehicle design, Pax System encompasses the tire and wheel into one unit. The tire is mechanically locked against the wheel to make losing the tire during a blowout impossible. At zero pressure, the tire rests against a support ring to allow the tire to turn freely and the vehicle to travel at speeds of 55mph for 125 miles.

The Michelin Pax wheel has internal ribs to locate the support ring that lets the tire run without  air pressure. An external attachment system ensures that the tire stays on the bead, even when deflated.

The Continental Safety Ring is a steel and rubber support that mounts inside a conventional wheel and tire to provide run-flat capability.

The device adds weight and cost, but provides the piece of mind of a run-flat tire without requiring any changes to infrastructure or special wheels.


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