George the Water Monticule has been in the ocean for years. He suddenly feel himself floating into the air one day, as the heat energy from the sun shines down on him.
George gets evaporated into the clouds. He joins a millions of other water monticules. He stays there for days and mingles with the other water monticules.
Then, George feels himself falling from the sky. A lot of other water monticules started falling, too. They begin the process of condensation. There were so many monticules in the clouds, gravity started to pull them down.
After being precipitated, George lands in a river. He then begins to flow down stream. He finds out the other water monticules were runoff from the mountains snow, which had melted.
George went down the river for many miles. He soon felt things slowing down, and sees that he is emptying out into the ocean again.
George had a fun time in the water cycle, but he will stay in the ocean for many, many more years before he will go through it again.
Published: Sep 1, 2022
Latest Revision: Sep 1, 2022
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1367882
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