collection of texts by daniela kaltseis -
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collection of texts

  • Joined Jul 2022
  • Published Books 2

What a shock 


It was the last lesson of the night in the school of ghosts. The teacher wanted to show a trick with chains. He said, the trick is very easily easy. He put the chains around his head. “Now I pull on the chains carefully”, the teacher said. The students looked to watched the teacher. Suddenly ghost 3 asked, if the trick would be was very dangerous. The teacher laughed and said: “no, no! Then I let´s start!” said the teacher. He pulled the chains on both ends quickly. Suddenly the teachers head fell on the floor. The students were very shocked and ran away. The teacher looked for his head and found the head on the floor. This trick was a great shock for the students. 

collection of texts by daniela kaltseis -

Emily and her brother Joe loved reading stories about aliens form strange planets. They also watched a lot of science-fiction films on TV about UFOs and spaceships. One night they were in their beds and saw a bright light outside in the garden. Through the bedroom window they saw a spaceship and three aliens. They went downstairs and outside into the garden to meet the aliens. The aliens were very friendly and Emily and Joe went into the spaceship with them. The spaceship flew off through space towards the aliens‘ home planet. When they left the spaceship, thousands of aliens were there to welcome them. The aliens took the children to a beautiful palace where they saw a big screen with the number 0715 on it. The alarm clock went off at 7.15 a.m. and the children woke up at home in their beds.

collection of texts by daniela kaltseis -

Sherlock Groans is at the office. The telephone rings. It is Lady Grey. She can’t find her cat, Pepper. Sherlock Groans leaves his office. He looks for Pepper. He comes to a bridge. He looks under the bridge. Pepper isn’t there. Groans falls into the river. Sherlock Groans goes to the park. He looks for Pepper – but he bumps into a tree. Sherlock Groans goes to the woods. He looks for Pepper, but he sees a wolf! Sherlock Groans climbs a tree and sits in it. He watches the wolf. He’s very scared. He hears a noise. He looks around and he sees – Pepper! Sherlock Groans is very happy. He picks Pepper up and phones Lady Grey. Sherlock tells Lady Grey about Pepper and the wolf. Lady Grey says: “Give me twenty minutes!” Sherlock Groans waits. Lady Grey arrives in the woods. Lady Grey hits the wolf on the nose with her umbrella. The wolf runs away. Lady Grey cries for Pepper. The branch breaks and Sherlock Groans falls out of the tree. Pepper jumps into Lady Grey’s arms. They’re very happy. Lady Grey says: “Thank you!” and carries Pepper home. Sherlock Groans thinks, that he is the world’s best detective!

collection of texts by daniela kaltseis -
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