Reflection of pedagogy course by Nadav Botanero - Illustrated by Nadav Botanero -
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Reflection of pedagogy course


Artwork: Nadav Botanero

  • Joined Jul 2022
  • Published Books 1
Reflection of pedagogy course by Nadav Botanero - Illustrated by Nadav Botanero -

The lecturer who was the most helpful for me  


The lecturer who I find to be in the course the most helpful, is without a doubt my lecturer Jennifer Hoyzman. She taught me literally the most important thing that a teacher needs to know. Out of many things that I have learned from her, there is one thing that I consider the most significant thing I have learned, and the most important key to successful teaching. Before the course, I was sure I have all the necessary knowledge on how to teach a class. However, during the course I learned from the lecturer one thing I had not thought of before, even though it is supposed to be such a basic and obvious thing to know. This thing is that teach pupils does not mean lecturing them. The way I thought before the course that a teacher should teach, is by standing in front of the class and lecturing them and thus, they will learn and understand. But thanks to Jennifer’s course, I learned from her that the most effective way for the success of the lesson and for the pupils’ understanding is by simply just getting the pupils involved in the lesson. If the pupils just sit and listen to you, they will probably get bored and tired and will not understand what you are teaching. But once you convey the lesson in an engaging way that the pupils take part and get involved in it through a combination of some activities the pupils will feel a sense of belonging and involvement which will make them get excited, enjoy the lesson and of course to understand what is learned.

Reflection of pedagogy course by Nadav Botanero - Illustrated by Nadav Botanero -

what I’ve found very useful in my training at school


There are many things that I have found very useful in my training at school. Things that if you do not experience them, you will never really understand their importance.


The first thing is –  The fun and personal satisfaction you get when you teach the pupils, and the friendly bond that is forged with them.


The second thing is –  The importance of teaching the pupils an engaging and enjoyable lesson, in order to convey the lesson in the most effective way.


The third thing is – Despite the great importance of the first two things, that can actually develop between the teacher and the pupils mutual respect and friendship, and can make pupils’ learning experience more positive, The teacher at the same time must make students aware of the limitations of this friendship, and the disciplinary laws and the reasons behind them, in order to avoid negative incidents.

Reflection of pedagogy course by Nadav Botanero - Illustrated by Nadav Botanero -

What I would like to learn next year in more depth 


How to teach a class when not everyone is at the same level, and how to reach a state of advancing the weaker group in the class, that will fill the gap to the level the class is at. When I was teaching the 6th grade during the year, there were a number of pupils who were considered lower level than the rest. And what the teacher actually did with them is just give them a workbook to work on, or they were sent to work outside the classroom with a tutor (who English is not its field). I think the pupils deserve more than that. They deserve the English teacher to teach them in the same manner and with the same attention as the rest of the class.

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