Importance of Project Planning in Custom Software Development by Narola Infotech -
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Importance of Project Planning in Custom Software Development

Narola Infotech is one of the leaders in IT outsourcing services. We are proficient in providing Web Development, Machine Learning, Read More
  • Joined Apr 2022
  • Published Books 18

What is Software Development Project Planning?

A software development project planning refers to a sequential and organized process of activities and resources essential to successfully completing a project. The activities that a development project encompasses are defined by timelines that the team must adhere to. The plan describes all the phases of software development projects in detail. A software development company lays out a draft of product development based on the client’s requirements.

Some universal phases of software development project planning include planning, ideation, designing, deployment, production cycles, launches, as well as maintenance.


If you want to plan a project effectively, you must document every single step of yours in detail.


What are the Main Stages of Software Development Project Planning?

Irrespective of the size of the project, the entire software development project plan is majorly divided into four phases:

Main Stages of Software Development Project Planning



Stages of Software Development Project Planning – Digging Deeper

In this section of the article, we will discuss in detail the 4 important stages of software development project planning. But before that, it is important to understand that other than effective planning, the requirement of a software development project is the need for a project manager.

A project manager is responsible for the entire project, from planning to implementation and execution. Besides, the project manager has all the prerequisites essential for each of the below-mentioned stages of software development project planning.


Most of the software development services are designed by catering to the 4 important stages mentioned below:

1. Scope

The scope of the project is one of the most important aspects of every project. A project manager must approve the software development project plan that you come up with. We are highlighting all key points of the projects at this stage.

Some important points of discussion include:

  1. Project description
  2. Compliance matrix
  3. Discussion of assumptions
  4. Defining goals and results
  5. Discussing the limitations

The foundation of software development project planning is understanding and defining a precise scope. It is necessary to have a clear idea and understanding of the idea that you are about to develop.

2. Requirements

The requirements include a list of all the following:

  1. Major tasks for execution
  2. The functions
  3. The architecture
  4. The designs
  5. The communication plan
  6. The logic

This is the second stage of software development project planning. At this stage, you must have an explanation regarding why someone would be interested to buy your product as well as how it will benefit them. You can also start a small demonstration for limited users by giving them limited access to your product (prototype) and take their feedback.



3. Detailing the Budget

If you want an approximate figure of the total cost of your project, you will need to divide the entire project into sub-components. Once divided into sub-components, you will find it easier to determine the cost of each of these sub-components rather than deciding the budget of the whole project. You can also come up with individual timescales for each of these sub-components.

An elaborate list of components and equipment will help the software development team land on a rough estimate of the total cost. You will have a rough idea of the total tenure of the project and its total cost.

4. Setting up a Timeline

Once you have finalized the list of requirements, a software development team can estimate the time it would take to turn your product into a fully functional market-suited product.



Points to Ponder

Two crucial factors for any software development project planning are the total cost as well as the total time to build the product. However, the time required to build any software project depends on the project’s requirements and available resources.

When you talk of mobile application development, with the right set of developers, you will require around three months to convert your idea into a fully functional app. Furthermore,  Mobile app Development involves lesser complications as compared to a large-scale software development project.

Secondly, an effective software development project plan is essential for:

  1. The product owners and co-owners
  2. The stakeholders
  3. The product development team
  4. The software development team
  5. The project managers

Lastly, an effective software development project plan is a crystal clear approach to a cost-efficient, reliable and efficient software solution. Moreover, It is easy for the custom software development company to develop and easy and user-friendly for the customer.



How to Ensure Your Software Development Project Plan is Effective?

If you hire developers to cater to your software development needs, Narola Infotech can come to your rescue. We are a leading Custom Software Development services provider in the US and India.


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