The Depressing Times

by Hanna Maiden
- Joined Apr 2016
- Published Books 1
Copyright © 2016

Times have became really rough. No longer can I afford to buy food or live in a home. I have had to learn how to live on the streets and try to survive the best way I can. I’m living day by day. Living on these streets are downing and discouraging. Spending many nights lying in the cold. I can’t even afford new clothes. Sometimes I feel like giving up, but then I remember that i’m not the only one struggling. I’m not the only one who lives on these streets. There are many others. As we lay cold and hungry hoping for a miracle, it finally happens. There’s these places called Soup Kitchens. They help people like me who have nothing. They provide hot food and a place to sit and eat. I’m glad there’s people kind enough to help us in this time of need. Just knowing I will be able to eat warm food to warm my stomach, warms my heart. It helps me feel like there is a bit of hope. These soup kitchens are the best thing they have created so far.

I’m struggling for money so I built me an apple stand. I’m selling apples for 5 cents each. Come and get your fresh apples today. I’m selling these apples because I need some money to survive off of during these hard times. It’s hard finding jobs and making money. I just need to sell these apples. This is the only option I have left. Everything has shut down or job positions are taken. There’s barely any more options to make money. These apples are the only thing left that I can make at least a small amount of money on. I know many people won’t have money to buy any, but it’s still worth a try. I hope someone will buy some so I can have some money to save up, since I lost all mine in the horrific event that took place. Almost everybody lost everything, including food. An apple may be the only food they can afford, so here I am, selling fresh red, juicy, apples. Today may be the only chance you can get some fresh apples. You can slice them up, cook them, and then can them up and save them for another day.

This is a Hooverville. It’s a shantytown built by unemployed and destitute people. I am a unemployed person who has built one of these myself. I lost my home when the stock market crashed because I could no longer pay my mortage. My entire life changed. I had lost everything. I no longer had any where to live but the streets. We then came up with the idea of building Hoovervilles. We all help one another and stick together and provide shelter. We work as a team to maintain protection and to survive. This is the only option you have when you have no money and no where to go. This isn’t the best, but it’s all we got and this is all we can do. We build them from scrap. We find whatever we can and put it all together hoping it would provide enough shelter for all of us. Another persons trash would be put towards our Hoovervilles. Anything would be useful. Living conditions aren’t the best since the Stock Market Crash but some of us are still out here making it the best way possible.

I’m selling my car for $100. I will only take cash. My price is firm, I won’t take any lower unless I absolutely have to. I lost all my money on the stock market, so i’m looking to make a little money. This is a very cheap and rare price. You can’t find this price any where else. I know most people doesn’t have that much money to spend on a new car. I’m struggling to survive myself. I need food more than I need a car. I need money to survive with. I had so much in the stock market and then it crashed and now it has left me with nothing. No house, no food, and now soon to be no car. I’m struggling to make it day by day. I hope someone will buy this car. This is the only time you will ever see a cheap price on something that’s much more valuable than $100. When you’re in need like I am you will sell anything at a cheap price just to survive. Someone help me out and buy my car! If my car doesn’t get sold, it will become my new home. Everyone is trying to make money the best way possible.
Published: Apr 17, 2016
Latest Revision: Apr 17, 2016
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-135188
Copyright © 2016