Have a Nice Time With Harry Potter by Anzhela Davydenko - Illustrated by Anzhela Davydenko - Ourboox.com
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Have a Nice Time With Harry Potter


Artwork: Anzhela Davydenko

  • Joined Jun 2022
  • Published Books 1

What Can We Learn From Harry Potter Movies?


  • Talk about things.

  • Friendship is important.

  • Your parents can assist you in getting assistance.

  • Despite adversity, you mustn’t lose faith.

  • Community is important.

  • Never give up.

  • There are places you can go for help that you do not expect.

  • Face your fears.




               Lesson 1

Task A  Watch the episode,use the scripts if you need and do the tasks

Have a Nice Time With Harry Potter by Anzhela Davydenko - Illustrated by Anzhela Davydenko - Ourboox.com


Professor Dumbledore(Pr.D):I should’ve known that you would be here,Professor McGonagall

Professor McGonagall(Pr.M): Good evening,Professor Dumbledore.

(Pr.M): Are the rumors true, Albus?

 (Pr.D): I’m afraid so, professor. The good and the bad

(Pr.M):  And the boy?

 (Pr.D): Hagrid is bringing him

(Pr.M):  Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid  with something as important as this?

Pr.D: Ah,Professor,I would trust Hagrid with my life.

Hagrid:Professor Dumbledore,Sir. Professor McGonagall.

Professor Dumbledore:No problems,I trust,Hagrid?

Hagrid: No,Sir. Little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol.Try not to wake him. There you go

Pr.M:  Albus, do you really  think it’s  safe,leaving him with these people? I’ve watched them all  day.They’re the worst sort of Muggles, imaginable.They really are…

Pr.D: The only family he has.

Pr.M:This boy will be famous . There won’t be a child in our world who doesn’t know his name


 Pr.D: He’s far better off growing up away from all of that.Until he’s ready.

            There,there,Hagrid. It’s not really goodbye, after all

                                    Mr and Mrs V.Dursley.

                                   4 Privet Drive,

                                   Little Whinging



1. Fill in the missing words:

   1)  Are the rumors ____________, Albus?

   2)  Do you think it’s____________to trust Hagrid with

       something as______________ as this?

   3)  The only____________ he has.

   4)  This boy will be_____________ .

   5)  It’s not really____________________ after all.

2. Put the words in the right order:

      1)      Hagrid/would/with/I/trust/life./my

      2)     problems,/I/Hagrid./No/trust

      3)     not/I/to/tried/him./wake

      4)     he/ready/Until /is


3. Multiple choice

1) What’s the name of the street?

a) Privet Drive      b)Diagon Alley       c) Privat Draiv


2) Who transformed into a cat?

 a) Albus Dumbledore   


 c)Minerva McGonagall


3) Who took the street light away?

a)somebody turned them down              

b) a cat          

c) Albus Dumbledore


4) What did Dumbledore put on Harry’s blanket?

a)  a letter        b) a postcard       c) some paper


5) What kind of a scar has little Harry got?

 a)   a line        b) a circle        c) a lightning



Recommended material

Read me,if you want to know more


Good luck!

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