Knock Knock, Who’s There? by matan arviv - Illustrated by Matan Arviv -
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Knock Knock, Who’s There?


Artwork: Matan Arviv

  • Joined May 2022
  • Published Books 1

It was a lovely and sunny morning as the Cohen’s family was on their way to their new house that Mr. Cohen inherited from his grandmother who passed away a month ago. The ride to the country was very long and tiring, yet everyone was excited. As soon as the car stopped at the entrance, Tom and his little sister Sara ran fast to the front porch.  They were best friends, and got along fine.


The house looked very old and abandoned. There was no grass around it, nor flowers, and the wooden porch was noisy as Mrs. Cohen walked up the stairs towards the door. Mrs. Cohen opened the door with the key, and gladly said: ” Welcome dear children into your new home.”  The children ran around the rooms of  the house, and started to argue who gets the bigger room.  Mr. Cohen decided that Tom will get the bigger room because he is the eldest.  Needless to mention that Sara wasn’t pleased at all. “I hope you’ll sleep well at night,” she teased him.  Tom hugged her and told her that she doesn’t need to worry about him.  She should worry about herself instead.  Everyone knew that Sara was afraid of ghosts and monsters.  After they cleaned all the dust, and opened some boxes in order to organise their things, they sat to eat supper.  Sara shared her fear that house looks a bit spooky, and that she hopes that her great-grandmother’s ghost doesn’t live here.  Everyone laughed and reassured her that ghosts don’t exist.


They all went to bed around 23:00 pm.  Tom loved his room so much that he took some pictures to send to his friends.  Suddenly, at midnight exactly, he heard a weird noise outside his bedroom’s door.  He looked to that direction, and saw a shadow underneath his door and three knocks followed by two more knocks on his door.  He was sure it was Sara trying to scare him.  Therefore, he got out of his bed, and while opening the door said with a laughter:” Come on little sis. I know it’s you. Go back to bed.  It’s late, and I…”, yet there was no one behind his door.  “She probably ran back to her room” , he wandered to himself, and closed his door.


The next morning, they all worked in the garden.  They planted 4 trees and a few flowers, and drank lemonade to cool their body from the summer’s heat.  Again, they all went to bed very tired.  Suddenly, at midnight exactly, 3 knocks, a pause, and two more knocks on Tom’s door. Tom woke up  a bit scared this time, and whispered:” Who’s there?”  “Sara, is that you?” No one answered.  He opened the door, but no one was there. ”  Maybe Sara was right? Can it be GM’s ghost?”, he asked himself.  He stayed up awake with the light on until he fell asleep around 03:00 am.


On their third day, Tom sat with Sara outside and decided to confront her. He told her what happened during the past two nights, and told her that it was mean of her to do that.  She was shocked and hurt.  “How dare you blame me?”  “Maybe it was a dream?” She ran angrily back inside the house and slammed the door. At that moment, he regretted accusing her.  When it was time to go to bed, Tom was calm because he was sure that this time nothing will happen.


However, once again, at midnight exactly he heard: knock knock knock!!Silence, and then knock, knock!!!  Tom freaked out, and yelled out loud:” Mom!!! Dad!! Help!!!”  They both ran into his bedroom,  while the door behind them  closed by itself, and hugged their poor son.  He told them what happened.  His mom carressed him  and told him that it was a nightmare.  Suddenly, the three of them heard it: Knock, knock, knock!!!  Silence.  Knock, knock!! His parents were shocked.  They all yelled with a big fear on their faces:”Who’s there?”   Suddenly, the door slowly opened, and there, to their big surprise stood little Sara laughing out loud.  “You are older than me, yet you all believe in ghosts”.  They all laughed, and Tom caught his sister and promised to never make fun of her greatest fear: ghost.



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