Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -
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Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń

  • Joined Apr 2022
  • Published Books 1

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This book contains the analysis of the end-project survey.

The survey was completed by the students who took part actively in the project called “BUSINESS SIMULATION NETWORK, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń”.

There are 11 questions which contain different aspects and tasks of the project.

Let`s go through their answers…

Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -
Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -

Students from eight schools in Poland took part in our end-projecy survey.


  • I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. K. Jagiellończyka w Sieradzu
  • II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Króla Jana III Sobieskiego w Krakowie
  • VI Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. I. J. Paderewskiego w Poznaniu
  • Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. M. Skłodowskiej – Curie w Skawinie
  • Zespół Szkół Ekonomicznych we Włocławku
  • Zespół Szkół Ekonomiczno-Usługowych w Rybniku
  • Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. T. Kościuszki w Lubaczowie
  • Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Szarych Szeregów w Tarczynie
Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -

On the left you can see the number of participants who took part in the end-project survey.


29,9% students are from II L.O. in Kraków. This is the largest grup of students in our project. There are 26 students.


19,5% students from Lubaczów. That`s the second large group of students. Here we have 17 participants.


17,2% students from L.O. in Skawina. There are 15 students.


13,8% students from Zespół Szkół Ekonomiczno-Usługowych in Rybnik. There are 12 participants.


Below 10%:

L.O. in Tarczyn – 9,2% (8 students)

VI L.O. in Poznań – 5,7% (5 students)

ZSE in Włocławek – 4,6% (4 students)

Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -

1. How much effort did you put in this Project (Business Simulation Network czyli Przedsiębiorczy Uczeń)? Choose the option from 1 to 5


There are 89 students who took part in this survey. 

Question number 1 is connetcted with their efford put in this Project.

As we can see most of them estimated their efford with the option 4 where number 1 means not much and number 5 a lot.

Option 5 – chosen by 12,4%

Option 4 – 38,2%

Option 3 – 33,7%

Option 2 – 14,6%

Option 1 –   1,1%


The results of the answers mean that the students were interested in their tasks connected with the project and they put some efford in the activities.

Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -

2. Why did you decide to take part in this project? Choose 1 option

This question is about the reasons of the students`participation in the Project.

There are several different answers like, meeting new friends, interesting subject, improving language skills, being persuaded by the teacher, achieving new experience and having too much free time.


Most of the students decided to take part in the E-Twinning Project because their teachers persuaded them (31,5%)

The second serious reason was connected with improving their language skills (30,3%).


There is a group of students who found the subject interesting (15,7%) and they wanted to get a new experience (14,6%).

Just a few people wanted to meet new friends (6,7%) and have too much free time (1,1%)

Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -

3. What profits did you get from this project? You can choose more than 1 option


Over 50% of students chose the answer connected with improving their language skills (59,6%). It is true because their tasks were prepared in English and they did more than they  usually do at school.


48,3% of students chose the option “I improved my creativity”. In this Project they needed to be creative and inspired because of the variety of the tasks.


More than 30% of students integrated with other students from mixed groups, etc. It was also connected with their tasks where they had to, for example , write Cogratulation Letters to each other.


22,5% of students improved their IT skills and 1,1% made friends from other schools.

Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -

4. Thanks to this project: (choose the option )


In this question students had to Agree or Disagree with the particular statement. Almost all of them Agree with all the sentences.

As we can see the statements are about the most important factors for the recruiters, improving language skills, preparing CV and job ad properly.

It means that our students improved their knowledge about applying for a job nowadays and got some new skills.

Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -

5. How did you like the digital tools &apps in our project? (You can choose more than 1 option)


There were a lot of digital tools & apps used in our Project, for example, canva, answer garden, google forms and many others.


47,2% – found them useful, which is the most popular answer

41,6% – they were interesting

24,7% – they icreased their skills 

Some of the students chose the option I don`t know (19.1%).

They also used to be difficult (6,7%) and demanding (4,5%).


Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -

6. Would You like to take part in other e-twinning projects in the future?


This question was connected about taking part in another e-twinning project in the future.

47,2% of students don`t know if they want to do another project in the future.

32,6 % of students say yes and they are sure they will take up another one

20,2% of students say no and don`t want to take part in another one. Maybe they will change their mind in the future…


Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -

7. Did You do the project tasks willingly?


71,9 % of e-twinning students admit they did the tasks willingly. It means that 64 people did the activities without any problems. We had a great variety of exercises. It was not possible to find any boring task.


28,1% of e-twinning students did not do the tasks willingly.  

Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -

8. Which task was the most interesting for you?


We had a lot of various and amazing activities in this project.

As we can see from the diagram students concentrated on different answers. There is not one the best and the most popular option which gained more 50% answers.


Meeting with the HR experts was the most interesting for 24,7% of people.

Creating companies was chosen by 19,1% of people.

Applying for the job (14,6%) was almost as interesting as company presentation (13,5%).

Creating a company got 11,2% of votes.

Preparing Congratulation Letters got 10,1% of votes.

Creating a job ad got 6,7% of votes.







Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -

9. Which task was the most difficult for you?


Here the situation is similar as it is in question number 8. It is hard to choose one the most difficult answer. The answer are totally contrasting. No answer got over 50% of votes which would mean that this task was so hard for half of the group.


Here are the answers:

18% – preparing Congratulation Letters

13,5% – both creating companies and applying for a job as well as choosing the best candidate

11,2% – preparing job ad

9% – 3 options: company presentation, preparing information about yourself and everything was so easy

3,4% – meeting with HR experts ( this option is the most interesting for students in question number 8)




Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -

10. The participation of your school in the e-twinnning project increased the educational attractiveness of Your school?


71, 9% of people think that this e-twinning project increased the eduacational attractiveness of their school. Thanks to it their lessons are not dull and uninteresting any more.


28,1% of people think differently. The participation did not increase the attractiveness of school.

Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -


D I F F I C U L T I E S ? ? ?

Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -

11. What kind of difficulties did You have in the project?


      As we can see from the diagram on the left their sentences and their opinions are various. This mentioned diagram was created on the basis of their real information. 


There is a group of students who claim that they “have no difficulties”, “none”, “didn`t have any”, etc.

Some of them say that they had problems with “the Internet connection” (also at school), logging in, etc. It means that this group of students had typical technical problems.

Unfortunately, there are also some people who claim that the particular tasks, like writing CV, Congratulation Letters, etc.were too difficult for them.

There is also another case mentioned by E-twinning learners which is poor communication between students from different schools in Poland.




        This short end-project survey constitutes a kind of summary of the efford put in the “Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń” by the E-twinning students. 

The learners answered 11 questions. They informed about any profits they got from it, what they learned, what they liked and didn`t enjoy about the project, etc.

To sum up, we can see how much efford they put in all the tasks. Some of them were pretty easy, others seemed to be too complicated for some of the students. They tried to do as much as they could which is glorious.

Business Simulation Network, czyli przedsiębiorczy uczeń by Żaneta Smolarczyk -
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